Has anyone advice on how to prevent blanking out? I am trying to produce written work, but the words become fuzzy and meaningless. After not wanting to focus on the task because of this I spent some time away from it. I then applied myself for a couple of days, realised that the structure and wording were poor and that I needed to focus less on some points and more on others. Stalemate. My anxiety has been reduced following therapy, but my ineptitude remains. Any suggestions?
Blanking out from ADHD: Has anyone advice... - Asperger's Support
Blanking out from ADHD

Not sure if this would be helpful for you, but I have found using the ‘comments’ feature helpful when writing. I can write something down and simultaneously make a note to myself to come back and change a word or add detail or note a question I still have about what I wrote. That way the flow of my writing/thoughts aren’t constantly interrupted by my needing to make things right in the moment (get on a tangent) which gets me unstuck. Pomodoro technique is also helpful!
I have difficulty writing myself, and always got hung up on the introductory paragraph. My mother who had a gift for English told me to skip the intro, write the rest then return afterward to write the introduction. Perhaps you could try skipping what you are experiencing difficulty with and try writing the next part, then come back to what you have been finding challenging to write.