Support: Do people think there's a lack... - Asperger's Support

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Do people think there's a lack of support for Adults with Asperger's?

8 Replies
PearCider profile image

Is there a lack of support? Of course there is.

Allegedly it's different for children, and if it's diagnosed in childhood then serious attempts are made to help.

In adulthood you can go to your local autism team, but from experience they will be looking for things to write in the plan, whether or not they're actually going to help. They won't be that bothered if they put organisation X in, and organisation X says that they don't do anything for people with ASD. They may suggest applying for benefits or parking badges, but take all that with a very large pinch of salt.

The bottom line may be that it's to do with whether you're coping. By the time you're adult the likelihood is that you'll have issues but you'll be coping with them one way or another, and that will be seen as good enough. If let's say you'd been fired because of having ASD and couldn't get another job for that reason, or a marriage was breaking up because of it and there was a danger of you being homeless, then I suspect there would be more interest because then there would be a quantifiable need and a social cost.

As has been pointed out, don't expect much sympathy from relatives either - hey, we've all got our problems, and you know misfortune isn't a competitive sport. I'll see your ASD with my stressful career and raise you two children to worry about - you could call that a full house(!).

nakedphil profile image

In UK locally at least, none whatsoever. You're Aspie go away, look it up for yourself.

Lavida70 profile image
Lavida70 in reply to nakedphil

So true! The only difference I have found since being diagnosed is that I now know I have aspergers instead of just suspecting.

Hi my area in London(East side) has Adult services with a pretty decent Autism Service we have a monthly meeting at a local Library place which we often have someone come to speak.

Had some great speakers learn't quite a lot we also have had an Autism Summit with many services to cover whats been done/doing and things to look more into.

One being the 16-18 and 18 onwards as many get to either 16 or 18 and nothing just left "Sink or Swim!"

It's easy to go down the Slide but very hard to get back up it!

So so many Sink many many end up in the Criminal Justice system.

Many get offered cash/drugs/drink/food/things like Cinema trips etc then cajoled into being part of there criminal set up.

As with Asperger's reason they deem you a Vulnerable person is because your mind can be altered to others aims! so exploited which is where things like the group meetings come in useful to learn more.

Autism and Asperger's effects so much with in our lives Time management is poor.Relationship issues.Even sleep and IBS issues.

I often don't feel the cold yet cccold outside im in a T shirt and change colour even! As it's a Processing thing with Asperger's

This was one of the things i went with in the pick an item to work with/on.

As Changing the age things and working with them would bring the criminal offending down for one.

Clarrisa profile image

Other than this forum I have not located much where I live in California, without going to great personal expense. Through out much of my working career I employed a tutor who specialized in working with various learning issues. Resources here are available if you prioritize your time on them, & have the financial means (minuet detail ... ) to spend on them. But what I have found over the years, which at times was excellent, I would not call it tailored for Asperger’s syndrome specifically.

Currently I might have better luck locating something based more locally if I were willing to join say Facebook, or travel some distance into the big city. I have never been big on joining things & would likely not be here had I not joined the thyroid forum first out of desperation (I had stubbled upon that site). I avoid big cities like the plague.

It helped me to read oscarbarabo’s post because I attribute sleep & IBS problems solely to thyroid issues & don’t consider Asperger’s at all. Keep up your posts!

Tiddlymouse profile image

I find there is no support for adults. Just for children. Yet Sheffield has various things going on if you live that way on.

Mrsb07 profile image

Yes it took me a lot of years to get my daughter diagnosed and now that it has there has been no information given to us we have been left to find all the information ourselves and just deal with the conditions

Aspiegurl profile image

Yes, I am currently in the USA, ( insert pained groan ). There is like NOTHING here for adult "aspies" - let alone mature aspies. It's like they think it, ( the AS ), is just something you "age out of" - very, VERY frustrating. ( I've been in the UK and Canada - there is more there. ) It's like they, ( medical professionals ), don't think we ever grow up, get jobs, or get married. *I have doctor diagnosed AS, and my hubby has doctor diagnosed Tourettes. ( It can be brutally hard to get an "official AS diagnosis" for an adult, in the US. ) We've been together a long time and are happy and doing fairly well, but still... There are issues and I have questions sometimes. There is just no one to talk to, or pose a question to over here - no resources, no help - just nothing. I feel very alone sometimes :-<

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