Forum Guidelines and Rules: We would... - Supraventricular ...

Supraventricular Tachycardia Support

Forum Guidelines and Rules

SamAdmin profile image
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We would like to take a moment to thank all our members and also welcome all our new ones! We encourage the forum to be a welcoming place for you to visit and ask your questions, share your advice and own experiences to provide support for yourself and fellow members on the Forum.

May we take this opportunity to invite you to read and consider the following rules:

Each member is responsible for their own individual post(s). If a fellow member encounters an issue or has noticed a breach in the guidelines, you may report the problem to the Admin/Moderators.

Admin/Moderators help us manage the forum and enforce the forum rules. It is impossible for them to read every message, so they rely on members to report problem posts that they encounter. The point of moderation is not to limit discussion, promote or suppress points of view. The goal of moderation is to keep the forums enjoyable and free from problems that detract from the experiences of our users.

Offences which may result in an instant ban. These offences can result in temporary forum suspensions or permanent bans:

1. Insults: Direct personal insult of another forum member and other name-calling. People should be able to discuss or even dispute other's posts without insulting people. You may dispute somebody's opinion but not attack the person who stated it.

2. Harassment: Purposely intimidating a particular member, harassing them, sending them rude or unwanted private messages, etc. This includes personal attacks on moderators for doing their jobs.

3. Threats: Any threat or intimation of a threat.

4. Multiple registrations: If your original account has been banned, the moderators reserve the right to ban any further accounts that you may create.

5. Hoaxes: Purposely misleading other members to their detriment. Giving advice you know to be incorrect or harmful.

6. Trolling: Do not post in order to anger other members or intentionally cause negative reactions. For a given post, this can be a subjective call, but a pattern of such posting or an especially offensive case will get you banned.

7. Advertising/soliciting/self-promotion: Your purpose in joining or posting should not be to promote, advertise, or otherwise call attention to your site, blog, product, or business.

Forum posts should be free of ads and promotions that benefit the poster. Legitimate recommendations and requests for help are permitted, but in ambiguous circumstances users without a previous forum track record will not be given the benefit of the doubt.


1. Advertising: Using the forums for advertising, site or product promotion, or for business deals and offers. You may not make posts to promote commercial, personal, or not-for-profit websites, products, or services. Threads will be deleted if their purpose is to advertise, announce, or promote products, services, or organisations, build traffic at other websites, carry out business activities, or for similar purposes that do not benefit our forum community.

2. Shilling: If you pretend to be a consumer who recommends your own product(s) or favours your own product(s) over others, without admitting your affiliation, you will be banned. Vendors who post in threads only to criticise a competitor's product while promoting their own will also be banned.

3. Soliciting: You may not use the forums to solicit donations, votes, or participants for surveys, contests, petitions, or product testing without prior permission from the moderators.

Memberships created solely for these purposes will be banned.

Things Not to Do – These habits can produce warnings and repeated violations can produce bans:

1. Inappropriate posting in a debate: We insist on a certain level of respect and civility toward other users, even when your viewpoints differ, and prohibit posts that attack posters personally or serve only to anger others (see "trolling" above).

2. Reposting: Please don't repost entire articles from other sites. To initiate a discussion about an article, post a link to the article, quote a bit of it if you like, and include your own comments or questions so people know why you think it's worthy of discussion.

3. Shared accounts: Accounts are to be used by only one person, and not shared between family members, friends or any other people. Registration is free, so there is no reason not to create a unique account for each person. You are responsible for any posts made with your account.

4. Profanity: Profanity is not permitted on the forum as it can and does cause offence to other members.

5.Repeated problems. Any ongoing actions that make more work for the moderators and administrators or regularly annoy other members and require moderator action. We have thousands of forum members to serve and can't spend a disproportionate amount of time dealing with problems caused by any one member. If your membership is an ongoing detriment to our community then your membership may be terminated.

Minor Problems

1. Chattiness: Use the forums to discuss the topic of the thread, not as a substitute for Instant Messaging.

2. One thread: Do not post a thread more than once. Post a new thread in the proper forum. If the topic is relevant to more than one forum, pick the best fit or most specific forum and post it only once.

3. One post: Do not post multiple messages with the same content. One post in the most appropriate thread is sufficient.

4. Corrections: There is no need to point out another poster's spelling or grammatical errors unless you think it is causing confusion. Remember that not all members are native English speakers. Communication, not correctness, is our goal. When other people (especially new members) fail to search and start new threads on old topics, don't scold them or make them feel unwelcome. The best way to be helpful is by posting a link to a relevant thread or specific instructions for problem solving. Set a good example yourself by searching first before starting a thread if you have a question that may already have been answered in the forums or want to discuss a topic that may already have been discussed.

Kind regards

Arrhythmia Alliance

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SamAdmin profile image
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