Apparently I have a high inhibin A HELP?? Anyone know a good specialist in LONDON
I really want to start trying again b... - Action on Pre-ecl...
I really want to start trying again but i'm scared I will get again.

Dear Sarah,
I'll send you a list of our experts via email. If you'd like to chat to our helpline in the meantime please do give us a call on 0208 427 4217 or email on
It would help to have some idea of your history. Kind regards, Ann Marie. APEC
Thank you very much...I fell pregnant at 29yrs and (now 32) and basically through a routine bood appointment the UCH discovered I had a high inhibin A which meant that I may develop pre-eclampsia. I was monitored throughout but it didn't stop the illness and at 34 weeks I had to be induced as my blood pressure was through the roof, protein in my wee and the blood stopped flowing to my baby (marleys) brain. I was in hospital nearly all my pregnancy and taken in for the last month of it...the only thing keeping me going was marley BUT he was born very sick with hypothermia and hypoglycemia, he was very weak and they didnt know why? HE was a not bad 4lb though. Then they treated him for an infection and he was very jaundiced. I was on so much meds carrying him it was untrue... BUT my boy is 3 now and I sometimes forget what we went through to get him here! Now I'm thinking if I saw someone that could tell me more about possibilities of getting it again ?as sometimes I think I'm being selfish I have my son I should just be grateful but I would love marley to have a sibling and I always wanted 2 children... But I wont put another child through that or me and the thought of even writing this sends me in horror of what we went through and I remember saying at the time to my mum I wont do this again....But then you cant help thinking what if I can have more......and marley is sooo wonderful you would never know he was a prem baby x
I had severe pre-eclampsia at 24 weeks and sadly lost our baby girl. I am now trying again but I am so scared. When I am pregnant I am definitely going to ask to be referred to one of APEC's consultants.
I remember feeling as scared as you during my second pregnancy. With my daughter I was hospitalised at 33 weeks, after 3 nights on labour ward over a week with severe high blood pressure and high protein, poorly kidneys. After a failed induction, my daughter was born after just over 34 weeks gestation at 4 lbs 3 by c-section. She had no breathing problems, no jaundice and breast fed straight away. She was pronounced fit to go home 4 days later but had to stay in with me, I was still so poorly I didn't get to leave until 2 weeks after she was born! My blood pressure stayed high for a while (developed white coat syndrome in reality, it was always fine at home) and I stayed on meds for 10 months, though with hindsight due to the white coat syndrome I think this was unnecessary.
I was TERRIFIED when I got pregnant again 15 months later and had been told I'd almost definitely get it again at least mildly as I'd had it fairly early onset at 33 weeks - though symptoms started around 28 weeks and my mother had it with me (but then not with my brother). In fact I didn't get a trace of protein and no raised blood pressure (well not at home, went up a bit in hospital). My son was born a week late and more than double his sister's birth weight at 9lbs! Ironically he was a far more sickly baby, constantly having bugs. His sister didn't even so much as have a proper cold until she was over one year old! The hospital were great and I had monthly scans after 20 weeks to check on fluids and baby size and fortnightly appointments, weekly after 30 weeks.
Hope that helps reassure you, no guarantee you won't get it again. But it seems to be uncommon to get it a second time and you'd have to be very unlucky. I found once I was pregnant I just totally relaxed 'what will be, will be' and worried about normal pregnancy things and ended up having my dream pregnancy. Fingers crossed it'll be the same for you.