Posts - Talk ED (eating disorders) | HealthUnlocked

Talk ED (eating disorders)

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All posts for August 2020

No control

I worked out for 2 hours yesterday and then went to Casey’s and ate over 1500 ca...

Don't wanna seem stupid

So I'm pretty sure I have an eating disorder but I'm not sure. I go through week...

Eating disorder treatment

My doctor and I have trying to figure out how to identify my eating disorder for...
WiltedFlower profile image
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Binge eating

I gained ten lbs in a month. I looked up my bank statement and it was like $50 j...

Bulimla recovery

Hi New to the group suffer from bulimia 30 + years did CBT but relapsed back to...
Gg65 profile image

Does anyone just limit themselves on even looking in the mirror?

Cus i do
WiltedFlower profile image

ok so i know i'm not a girl but young woman

accepting body shape and size is one healing aspect of the disease. i know its l...