Hi everyone, had my forth cardioversion two weeks ago had my first about 7 months ago lasted a week about 5 months ago had a ablation with two cardioversions that lasted a week my question is is it normal to get the odd eptopic in the first few weeks while everything's settling down had possible three followed by a fight or flight feeling just wondering 🤔
Cardioversion : Hi everyone, had my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I would say it's quite normal to get ectopics at any time.
I get plenty and certainly get them when I'm under stress which is very frequent these days. We're always told that they are harmless. And yes, I've had them after dccvs and ablations .
I think you are just getting anxious over them, which is understandable, but try to ignore and think of them as just a nuisance if you can!
Hi bobify, yes ectopics after ablations are perfectly normal. In fact since my ablation a year ago I continue to notice them more than previously, especially when under stress. I find controlled breathing helps calm me and the ectopics fade away. My go-to is box breathing or deep breath in for 4 and out for six.
Definitely. Ectopics are common in everyone anyway, afib or not. We are probably all just hyperaware if them, with good reason.I'm glad you.mentioned the fight or flight feeling. I get that. I think it's cos when in F or F mode your heart is fast so conversely a fast HR makes you feel like F or F. Not a nice feeling though, is it.
Best wishes
No it's not need to try and get over them keep the stress level down
Easier said than done though, isn't it! I find concentrating hard on something takes my mind off it. Deep breathing and meditation makes me more aware of it 🙄