I'm currently waiting for an ablation and have been for over 6 months. When I first developed AF I was quite badly affected by it. I would:
Get out of breath just walking a short distance
Keep falling asleep
Found climbing stairs and carrying 'heavy' things more difficult than they should
Occasionally feel like I was about to black out
Often would feel light headed
I had a Cardioversion nearly a year ago which worked initially but failed after 3 weeks. I felt much better immediately after the cardioversion and in normal sinus rhythm, but when the AF returned, I noticed that it was slightly different.
Whereas pre cardioversion, my heart rate would sometimes go as low as 40bpm, now it's always above 50 and so I don't feel like I'm going to black out or light headed. My heart rate rarely goes 'high' and even when it does it's only really when I'm being active and doesn't really go above 140bpm and that's just in short peaks.
Since my Cardioversion I've also been concentrating on losing weight, so far I've lost around 2 stone (13kg) and whilst I still have a lot of weight to lose, I feel much better. Now I can:
Walk for about 45 mins at a fairly brisk walking pace - although admittedly by the end I am sweating and puffing but I quickly recover again.
I rarely feel tired
I never feel light headed
I can climb stairs more normally, but lots of stairs still make me puff a bit
As I've 'improved' and as I believe I'm probably at least 6 months to a year away from getting an Ablation, by which time I hope to not only have lost more weight but also to have moved to another county, I'm starting to wonder if there is any point in having an ablation. Don't get me wrong, I'd still LOVE to be in normal sinus rhythm, I'd still LOVE to have all my energy back, but I'm starting to wonder if the cons are now starting to outweigh the pros of having the procedure.
I know that this is a very personal decision but I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter as I keep swinging from one to the other.