Beta Blockers: I want to stop taking... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Beta Blockers

tabletphobic profile image
59 Replies

I want to stop taking beta blockers, the GP's aren't very good. They are making me ill, what is the alternative as I feel I'm going to have to be pro active

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tabletphobic profile image
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59 Replies
Teresa156 profile image


I think you do need to speak to a cardiologist to get some advice, none of us on here are able to advise you on what is best to take, but medication is always the first port of call, if you have atrial fibrillation. It might be that whatever you’re feeling could be a side effect of the medication and perhaps you need a dose change. There are many different types of medication, but a cardiologist is best placed to advise and they will base this on your particular case. I know myself that the side effects are definitely noticeable ( I’m on Bisoprolol).

I wouldn’t advise stopping without discussing with your GP, telling them what you’re experiencing and ask to be referred?

GPs do their best but many are not experts in atrial fibrillation and unfortunately don’t always know what the best medication can be.

What do you take and how much? How long have you been taking them & Has it helped your condition?


tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Teresa156

Started on bisoporol side effects were awful, switched to cardivelol, down to 6.25mg. Had many investigations for problem of swelling around and under ribs going into chest. Comes back with nothing. Just had my brand changes and its like starting all over, sleeping day and night, weak, under chest and chest very sore/painful. Prescribed inhalors because of breathing problems , now cho;esteral very high ( just looked and side effect of these tablets ) I know its the tablets causing it, I'm going to ask to see a cardiologist. I have a pacemaker and rarely feel afib and it definitely seems to happen when my upper abdomen is swollen and painful.

Teresa156 profile image
Teresa156 in reply to tabletphobic

Hi,Wow…you have been through a lot then, I’m glad you explained a bit more about what’s been going on.

Not sure what you mean about brand changes, is it that you got a new prescription and that it’s a different generic brand? They can vary, definitely, but the pharmacies and GPs will always say they’re all the same, but the companies all use different fillers and I know they can all vary greatly, I agree.

If you come off theses pills without any advice, I’m sure you know you run the risk of feeling worse if you don’t have any alternative meds. Like Bantam has said, there are calcium channel blockers as well, so there are alternatives, but it is only a cardiologist who can really advise as they have to tailor it to your needs. You could try asking your GP again….unfortunately it is trial and error with these drugs.

How long were you on bisop and what dose were you on?


tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Teresa156

Yes same tablets same dose but different brand, I know the DR's don't accept they can make a difference but they do. I wouldnt dare come off them by myself but it is really making me feel ill

Bawdy profile image
Bawdy in reply to tabletphobic

Same tablets different brand, I've had problems with that and hard to get believed. Good luck.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Bawdy

I can't help thinking sometimes that DR's are arrogant and should really listen to patients, I'm not an idiot and know how I feel

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to tabletphobic

You are right, brand makes a difference. I always prefer to have the brand of the company that developed the drug in the first place. Quite often there’s a copyright and the copying companies will exchange an ingredient which back make a difference.I’m on Bisoprolol, at 2.5mg a day made me dream all night, took my HR down below 50 and I was awake with it, TaT!

Reduced to 1.25mg, seemed ok for some months, now guess what, taking my HR down to low 50’s at night and if I’m sitting quietly 😡

I’m currently suffering terrible neck, head and weak spots pains and I don’t know if it’s Bisoprolol or Apixaban 😡

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to tabletphobic

I take bisoprolol and can handle a pretty hefty does but you mentioned brand change - I had a similar issue where one brand was ok and yet another gave me increased palpitations- took a stern argument to be believed as I was told it’s the same drug ( but I insisted it was probably one of the additives) I have many drug sensitivity issues so maybe it’s that issue with yourself, do go back to the GP or call your cardiologist - risky to just stop hope you get sorted soon

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Afibflipper

I know brand changes make a difference and with this one My upper abdomen is swollen like a balloon, swelling around ribs pushing up into chest, I've had it before but with this brand it's far worse. GP tomorrow, I'm mentioning everything

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to tabletphobic

Obviously I’m not medical but I have had similar with stomach on other medications if they have irritated the stomach. (I also have a hiatus hernia that if that causes problems I feel I have a canon ball dropped into my stomach) - if you have a lot of point to mention write them down and take the list with you so you don’t come out thinking you forgot to mention ……! Good luck

coop61 profile image
coop61 in reply to tabletphobic

Please keep us posted as I have the same issue with swelling under my chest and is painfull

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to coop61

I will

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Teresa156

Only on 6.25mg daily, with my DR I reduced right down from 10 mg due to stomach issues, fatigue and dizziness. The dizziness went away. This has just become much worse because of a brand change although after investigations the upper swelling/pain remains

bantam12 profile image

I was changed to a Calcium Chanel Blocker, an alternative to Beta Blocker but it was a big mistake with my heart rate going into overdrive so I went back to good old Bisoprolol. I also have a pacemaker and I’m never aware of Afib.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to bantam12

I feel too ill now to carry on like this though

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to tabletphobic

You need to talk to your Cardiologist about trying an alternative but it’s trial and error finding the right one.

Nigel2000 profile image
Nigel2000 in reply to tabletphobic

Don’t hesitate asking for more aggressive investigation by your GP and insist on seeing a cardiologist. If you’re that debilitated, something has to be going on. It may or may not have to do directly with the beta blocker. For myself, the beta blockers (eventually) didn’t help with the afib enough to make it worth the side effects. At the same time, the afib had gone from paroxysmal to constant, SO what I was blaming fully on the beta blockers was partially the effect of afib (fatigue, breathlessness, brain fog, anxiety). The betas DID help for awhile, though.

mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to bantam12

I went back to good old Bisoprolol


We often have to go back to "old reliable". My experience has been side effects lessen over time.

However, if someone is have serious side effects like the OP, much different.

Teresa156 profile image


Please can I ask, what dose of bisop did they give you? What were your side effects and how long did you take it for?


tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Teresa156

Initially form 5 to 10 mg very quickly, felt dreadful. Began reducing myself but with GP's knowledge and I'm glad I did

pottypete1 profile image

As Teresa156 states we are not medically trained here. You must consult your Cardiologist if you are experiencing difficulties with your medication.


mjames1 profile image

That's a conversation to have with a cardiologist or preferably an ep. May be beyond the pay grade of a GP, especially since you have a pace maker.

Before your visit, write down what you've taken, the dosages and your symptoms. Don't be shy about telling them how these drugs have impacted the quality of your life

Ask about the feasibility of a trial on another type of drug such as a calcium channel blocker. If they do take you off the beta blockers, they will probably wean you off gradually.

Good luck.


Vince1001 profile image

Hi tabletphobic,

After my problems with bisoprolol I eventually went to a private EP who prescribed Dronedarone. See link below. It might not match your conditions and so it might not be for you.

9 months on things are great. and I need to post an update.

Best of luck...


tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Vince1001

Did they have you wean off bisoporol ?

Vince1001 profile image
Vince1001 in reply to tabletphobic

Yes,,,I took a couple of weeks reducing the 3.75mg to 2.5mg and then 1.25mg.

No issues

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Vince1001


Nugger profile image
Nugger in reply to Vince1001

That stuff nearly killed me!

Jonathan_C profile image

FWIW - I have had 5 cardioversions and 2 ablations (so I have been in and out of a-fib at least that many times) and am now in permanent a-fib. The only meds I take now are anti-coagulants.

I would ask your cardiologist if you need to take beta blockers. I know that if you take certain HR meds beta blockers prevent (or low the risk of) atrial flutter, but otherwise I am not sure the overall cost v benefit equation of taking beta blockers is a positive.

Mrsvemb profile image

If you are having problems with different brands, your GP can specify a particular brand on the prescription. The brand can make a big difference to a lot of people due to the fillers used. I have to do this all the time. When I was on Bisoprolol, I could only tolerate Cardicor which is the brand drug.

It’s worth a try.

oscarfox49 profile image

Beta blockers work principally as rate control, which means with a slower heart rate the peaks and tachycardia associated with AF is normally 'smoothed out'. Some beta blockers work on the entire system while others are more cardio specific and can therefore make you less tired or generally ill. You must discuss this with your doctor. Generally the cardio specific ones are prescribed nowadays. The alternative is a rhythm control drug like Amiodarone (though it has numerous disadvantages too and side effects). But not all beta blockers are the same and different people react differently to specific ones. A change might be all you need.

Nigel2000 profile image
Nigel2000 in reply to oscarfox49

Great post!

KMRobbo profile image

Calcium channel blockers, such as Verapamil and Diltiazem are a possible alternative Not medically trained but I did not tolerate beta blockers and spent time on both of the above drugs as rate control from the start of my AFIB until 3 months after my ablation.

Ducky2003 profile image

They started me off on Bisoprolol but after 3 months of feeling dreadful and a chat with my pharmacist, I begged my cardiologist to put me on Diltiazem and felt much better. Push for an appointment with a cardiologist/EP.

Taichid profile image

I was on bisoprolol for over a year as a blood pressure medicine. I was diagnosed with BPVP which was incorrect as it was discovered my heart pauses were caused by the beta blocker and it was stopped. More recently my heart rate rose and given flecainide which induced tachicardia. Given beta blocker again with a pacemaker. Don’t know why I was given bisoprol again as it caused so many problems before and again I am having awful side effects. Seeing cardiologist on Monday.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Taichid

Its been about 20 month on beta blockers, still feel awful on them I've had enough. I'm asking to see a cardiologist, I want off them

Taichid profile image
Taichid in reply to tabletphobic

I don’t know why Drs don’t realise the distress these pills give us, after all the amount of people complain.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Taichid

Good Luck

Buffafly profile image

Why are you taking beta blockers?

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Buffafly

They said the pacemaker controls the slow heartbeat so the beta blockers are there to balance it out if it goes too fast. The only time I feel anything and its not often I think is related to my upper abdomen problem

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to tabletphobic

So how fast would it go if it went too fast? What I m getting at is that if it doesn’t often go very fast, or you don’t know how fast it would go, do you need bisoprolol all the time, if at all? I’ve been told that if I needed to take stronger meds to slow my heart rate if it speeds up then I would need a pacemaker because my heart slows too much after an episode and the extra meds in my system would be dangerous. I agree that you really need a discussion about your problem with bisoprolol. I believe it is possible to take bisoprolol as a Pill in Pocket although it’s not usually advised.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to Buffafly

Yes, all questions I need to ask, I only feel ' palpitations /afib ? ' when my upper stomach is bad, I don't take a tablet then but sip water and try to stretch till it passes

orange24 profile image
orange24 in reply to tabletphobic

Exactly my problem. I am convinced my ectopics are related to stomach/abdominal movements and are especially bad after eating, but sometimes stomach/abdomen seems to act up without food, especially late at night, and triggers the very frequent PVCs. Yet to find a doctor who acknowledges this observed connection and what to do about it.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to orange24

Have a look on you tube Dr Sanjay Gupta, he's a cardiologist at York hospital. Are you laying flat ? I have to prop up the pillows or better still the head of the bed

jamesvdv profile image

I started on 2.5mg Bisoprolol (with 2 x 5mg Flecainide) and, after a month or so, I asked my GP for the Bisoprolol dose to be reduced to 1.25mg as my blood pressure was too much reduced and I was feeling light headed. I seem to be fine now on the reduced dose. Perhaps, in your case, the dose of your medication needs to be adjusted and not the type of drug administered. Obviously, as others have said, you need to consult with your GP or cardiologist before adjusting your medication.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to jamesvdv

My dose is lowered

MyScoot profile image

I am on cardicor because I have a dairy allergy and cardicor is lactose free. It is often not the drug itself but what it is mixed with that makes all the difference. My pharmacist will only give you a named brand if it on the prescription. It maybe worth changing the brand while you wait for a cardiologist appointment.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to MyScoot

I am having to use inhalers now, never had a problem before

Foulplay profile image

I am on metoprolol succinate. When on metoprolol tartrate I had a lot of side effects. Also I can only take one brand every time I get a refill the pharmacist fills it with wrong brand and says it shouldn’t make a difference, but I make them refill with the brand I don’t have problems with. They recently doubled the medicine . I felt bad for a couple weeks , then was back to normal. My husband takes it too at a much higher dosage. Maybe this beta blocker will work for you. You could ask the cardiologist if you could try it. We are all different and there is not one medicine fits all. A lot of doctors forget this.

Tricia7048 profile image

My cardiologist changed mine to IVABRADINE 2.5 and I have no problem with them and yet I struggle with most other stuff!! Ask your what he thinks? Its a newer drug and more expensive. All the best x

RoyMacDonald profile image

When I complained to the consultant about Bisoprolol (unable to sleep, HR going too low) he told me that I didn't have to take it if I didn't want to, he didn't give me any advice though about stopping it so I just went cold turkey and stopped it altogether. I don't have a pacemaker though so I would take your cardiologist's advice.

All the best.


GuyDora profile image

After a bout with viral induced cardiomyopathy, I was started on Metoprolol Tartrate 12.5, then switched to Metoprolol Succinate 25mg, for hypertension, when I had my 1st episode of AFib. My pulse was so low, all the time. I couldn’t tolerate the side effects, the foggy feeling, fatigue, anxiety, and digestive issues were not good for quality of life. After 2 years, and 5 episodes of AFib, my Cardiologist finally weaned me off and started me on the Calcium Channel Blocker. I felt like myself, again, and was able to go back to work, as a caregiver. That was 4 years ago. I have had a couple more episodes of AFib, but wondered if the Beta Blocker had actually started it, as a very, low pulse is one of my triggers. This was my experience.

Everyone is so different as to their body’s tolerance of various drugs. I had rarely taken a Tylenol, prior to my heart illness and disease, and was put on Eliquis, Lisinopril (changed to Losartan), and the Beta Blocker, that was switched to Cartia (Diltiazem.) I also do not want any change in Brands, for Generics.

Work with your Cardiologist and doctors and let them know specifically what your adverse reactions and concerns are. My Cardiologist said I needed to wean off Beta Blockers and all changes need to be made through the doctors, with close monitoring. One person’s experience can be so different from another’s. I am considering an ablation, now. Love reading all of the success stories.

Good luck, and update us as to how things are going. Dora

13579-2468 profile image

The pharmacist in my practice changed my bisoporol to zemtard.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image

HiHav the spec heart try CCB Calcium Channel Blockers.

They controlled me from last Dec.

I dropped 60 heart beats minute.

I take Diltiazem 120mg am

Bisoprolol 2.5mg pm

Bisoprolol is a Beta Blocker but it does not affect lungs etc whilst Metaprolol does.

But it got down to 156 from 186 on M...

Still not controlled until CCB!

Now since Johnson & Johnson mesh removed and healing all that was inflamed, Dr cant find AF x two times now.

Fingers crossed no more AF.

Cheri. JOY

Stroke 2019 and found with AF rapid & persistent. Then still in hospital found with shadows on my thyroid during a routine check of CAROTID arteries. ALL CLEAR.

Biopsy taken Papillary Cancer.

cheri JOY

tabletphobic profile image

Thanks to you all, you're great. Saw Dr she is referring me to cardiologist for next week. Surprise Surprise, I said I know DR's don't believe brand changes adversely affect, she said oh no they definitely do 😊 Couldn't believe it

Madscientist16 profile image

Suggest a calcium channel blocker or digoxin instead. Beta-blockers made me like a zombie.

MummyLuv profile image

I couldn’t tolerate beta blockers, they wiped the floor with me. My cardiologist moved me over digoxin and no problems. If you are over 70 you will be monitored for toxin build up.

tabletphobic profile image

The Dr referred for alternatives but I am going to ask if I actually need them first, as my name suggests I hate tablets and this has only re inforced it

tabletphobic profile image

Not too happy, got a text today saying the cardiologist has switched me to Nebivilol, I can't help but think how is that solving my problem ? Haven't even seen the cardiologist. Am I wrong ? Had another day of extreme fatigue, fell asleep but awake now with some afib starting, upper stomach and swelling just under chest area really hurting. This has been going on for a year and a half now as I said worse with brand change. I can't stand feeling like this. Would you insist on seeing cardiologist ?

confused71 profile image

I am having trouble as well on bisopromol --before medication i had no symptoms at all and now i have terrible palpitations tiredness and breathlessness i cant do this i want to come off tablets .I have heart failure and AF and on Apixaban and bisopropmol 1.25 76 years old

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