Had Ablation on Tuesday came out Wednesday early morning. When can I expect to start to feel better. Wasn’t told anything by nurses or doctor who discharged me. They mentioned a Cardioversion in 6-8 weeks time to each other but not me. When asked they just said it will be done. Still on all my medication which I think are making me more tired.
Recovery Ablation : Had Ablation on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Recovery Ablation

I'm shocked that you were told absolutely nothing on your discharge. This link should be able to help you with all your questions:
Feel free to ask any questions and be aware that we always say that there's no such thing as a daft one.
Blimey where were you treated!?
Also had ablation Tuesday, discharged Wednesday at QE and give information sheet.
Basically was told to not drive for 2 ( dvla advice) or a week (hospital advice). Avoid any lifting or strenuous exercise for up to 1 week post procedure as increases pressure in groin area.
Will feel tired still as heart rate is lower than i have been use to, so rest as body tells you.
Blanking period can take up to 3 months to settle down ( period as body gets used to being in sinus rhythm and make have fluctuation in heart rate)
Bruising in groin area normal and may notice pea size lump develop which is also normal and will disappear. (Area can be tender for a few months i found following previous ablation)
Feel free to ask any other questions, as jean says nothing is to daft to ask

Read this heartrhythmalliance.org/res... I am appalled you were not give more information.
I clicked on the link Bob but it's redirecting to another link which will not open. Could be problem with my ipad. I already have the information & found it very helpful after my 1st ablation.
Thank you all for your replies. Good information in the leaflet will just rest for the rest of the week and see how I go. Will call GP or Cardiac Day Ward if needed.
Call your electrophysiologist with whatever questions you have. He or she owes you this information. It's scandalous that they or their team didn't walk you through what to expect. It's not the same for everyone. A cardioversion is usually performed to get the patient back into a sinus rhythm. Are you still in AFib or are you back in a sinus rhythm?
Apparently still in AF but on discharge paperwork the Ablation was a success. I have not met Consultant EP. Had 1 phone call from him and a follow up someone from else.
I think you need to rest for at least two weeks and then very slowly do a little more. Short walks, no lifting. Remember it takes up to 6 months for healing of heart to take place - just because you can’t see the trauma doesn’t mean it’s not there. It can take almost a year for resting heart beat to get back to normal. If you do all of this I think better chance it will take.
I had my ablation in 2013 and still free of AF.
Good luck ☘️
It took me months to feel better after each of my ablations. But I'm always a slow coach. When I told the arrythmia nurses I was still very fatigued after three months she gently pointed out that it's a big, invasive op so what did I expect!
Thanks will just go with it and recover slowly.
Oh my gosh! What is wrong with some of these Drs. Totally unacceptable that they would do this to you and then talk amongst themselves as if you weren't there? You really need to find other Drs as soon as possible and then report those clowns. In the mean time listen to the good advice you have gotten from those on this forum. They have the experience and knowledge. Best to you. And take it slow and heal. Never be afraid to ask questions..🙏🙏
Thanks belinda
I had an ablation in August and am still slowly recovering my energy but I am an old gal. I should think recovery varies dependent on age, fitness etc. Do try to take it easy for as long as you feel the need as this is as someone else has pointed out, a major invasion in an organ that is not meant to be touched. Mither your cardiologist and change to another if they are difficult. Good luck
Morning bassets.
How’s recovery going?
I would have thought age and fitness would play a massive role but I’m 35 and WAS fairly fit and yet my recovery has taken a hell of a lot longer than I expected. I suspect many other factors come into play in regards to recovery from an ablation. A patients levels of inflammation for example I think is key. I’ve had inflammatory issues for years so I’m convinced that has played a major role in my drawn out recovery 🤔
I was fit-tish before my ablation after a hard year with a lot of chest problems and stress. I think you're right - infammation is a real problem when it occurs. At your age I would expect you to recover much faster than me. I am beginning to feel a bit more normal now - or as normal as I can with the various meds I am taking which have slowed me down. I think we just have to be patient and be glad to feel better. I hope you can get going soon - I am walking at the moment but looking forward to possible yoga and other gentle exercise after Christmas if possible, but I'll listen to my body as Bob and the other lovely people have advised. Keep us all informed of your progress
Yeah inflammation definitely plays a role for sure and quite a big one in my view. I thought I’d recover faster as well but with the history of inflammatory issues it was in the back of my head that it may take a while. Never thought this long though.
Hope you can get back to your yoga and get back to some sort of normality 🤞 well both be running marathons in no time 😄👍
All the best 👍
Hi shemac.
That’s disgusting that they never told you anything! Really Annoys me that they don’t inform people how op went and what to expect and then when they do inform us the info is so detached from reality that it’s useless anyway 🙄 needs to change!
I wasn’t told much to be honest. Doc came in said all went well and you can go now. If I hadn’t grilled him then that would have been the end of it. Couldn’t answer most of my questions but did tell me I’d be up and about and able to do weights the following day 🙄 bloody ridiculous to say the least. 4.5/5 months later I’m still recovering but off meds now and heart seems to be calming down 😁👍
Rest, rest and more rest. Whatever you do do not push it. Give your heart time to recover. Read the fact sheet, rest and then read it again 😂 maybe once more just for good measure! Cannot emphasise rest enough. Let your heart recover at its own pace and try not to compare your recovery to anyone else’s. I’ve made that mistake since my ablation in august and it’s made the whole journey more painful than it needed to be. Your heart will recover at its own pace and putting a time frame on that, in my opinion and experience is virtually impossible.
If in doubt ring your arrythmia nurse to settle any nerves with any issues that pop up but don’t panic yourself. Weird things will happen as the heart recover and just remember that this is totally normal.
Good luck and good recovery shemac.
All the best 👍
Thanks Elli Don’t have an arrhythmia nurse. Just number for Cardiac Day Ward.
Will just take it slowly and recover at own pace.
Had Mitral Valve replacement 2019 and lots of complications. My Cardiologist is good but rest not good.
Oh right. What hospital were you treated in out of interest? Strange that you don’t have a number for arrhythmia nurse 🤔 but then I suppose if you ring the cardiac day ward you’ll probably speak to one anyway.
Slowly Is the way to go in my experience 100%. Easy said than done but just try not to stress over every little thing that pops up. Just know that there will be some weird and wonderful happenings.
Hopefully the team at hospital can step up and start providing some info and support 🤞
Good luck 👍