Offerd ablation.. : Offers ablation I... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Offerd ablation..

Dpc2019 profile image
53 Replies

Offers ablation I september which is not far away im so nervous, it's for pvcs I get about 8 to 9 thousand a day. Anybody had ablation?

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Dpc2019 profile image
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53 Replies
BobD profile image

Had four but none for ectopics (PACs or PVCs) . Very unusual procedure .

Ablation is ablation is ablation, however, so read our fact sheets .

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to BobD

Not allowing me to click on to link..

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Dpc2019

Try again they both work for me as I just checked.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to BobD

Tried click in just says redirected page

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Dpc2019

yes follow redirect

Palpman profile image
Palpman in reply to BobD

Not working for me neither. Click on redirect url and nothing happening.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Palpman

Again I just clicked and it works fine.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to BobD

And all four went well Bob? What was yours for? I'm shitting myself for 1 let alone 4

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Dpc2019

Three for AF till 2008 and no AF since. 2019 had one for atrial tachycardia but still have some kind of arrhythmia.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to BobD


Padayn01 profile image

Do you have an ecg with your pvcs I can look at I just would like to see if they are similar to my pvc

Sfhmgusa profile image

After my second ablation I had a month or so with PVCs every 100 or so beats . My EP who I (literally) trust with my life told me if they got worse ( they didn’t) or bothered me ( they didn’t) he could ablate and was confident of success. I would have a third ablation like a shot if needed . And I must tell you I am a very nervous patient . My first ablation was sedation second GA both were much less traumatic than I thought.

Bob is really on the money when he says read the fact sheets they are great and good luck in September you won’t regret the decision( but don’t feel to bad about being frightened either it would be very odd if you were not!)


Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Sfhmgusa

Thank you Steve your legendary

Rubymurray25 profile image

I was really worried about my ablation and I am a nervous person in that situation, but I can honestly say the build up was the worst, all the uncertainty but it was over in a flash , my second was as quick and I would go for a third if needed without a doubt!

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Rubymurray25

Wow really how long was procedures??

Rubymurray25 profile image
Rubymurray25 in reply to Dpc2019

I'm really sure exactly how long but I think the first ( under GA ) was just over the hour and the second ( under sedation ) was may 45 mins! I know I was home after both really quickly and just tried to take it easy for a week at least and then gradually got back to normal, not that I felt rough or anything but I was told to take it slowly.

Jetcat profile image

Hi Dpc, Iv had three ablations for a-fib but I would think most ablation procedures are similar. Try not to worry about it too much, easier said than done I know.!! 👍

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Jetcat

Wow and how was recovery? And how long was procedures?

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Dpc2019

procedures were around 4 hours each time. Recovery time was good. First few days were a little uncomfortable in the groin area. I just took it easy for a few weeks and drank plenty water.👍

Nannysue1 profile image

I'm waiting for a date and like you am really nervous , especially when you read on here, some of the nasty after effects that some people have. I keep swinging inbetween having it done and putting up with life as it is. I'm now in permanent AF. Wish I were braver. 🤪

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Nannysue1

Yeah i feel your frustration and fear nannysue1

bigolbears profile image

I had mine on the 14 December for fast AF with a LV output of 10-15%. And like you was shitting bricks. The worst part was walking into the catheter theatre with the resemblance of a space ship. Screens. People in scrubs and an empty table. Once on the table tucked up with a heat pack and sedated. All was well to be honest I’ve had worse experiences at the dentist. Read the guide on here it helped me no end. good luck

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to bigolbears

Rally wow how long it take? And how was recovery?

Tantaanna profile image

Four and just had fifth to touch up. Mine for atrial fibrillation and stubborn flutter. Yes I was nervous on the first and on the succeeding ones I knew what to expect I guess. I would do them again. I use meditation, positive healing affirmations with yoga and Frankincense essential oil to help me stay calm. Best wishes

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Tantaanna

Wow how long did procedure take? And how was recovery?

bigolbears profile image
bigolbears in reply to Dpc2019

Hi I think it was about 45 min was out of it most of the time. Two hours lay flat for the groin to heal. Then home. Recovery I went in in a wheelchair with a Arteral flutter of 146 bpm and unable to breath after a few steps came out in sinus with a few ectopics for fun and walked to the car park taken off the amioderone and digoxin put on Nabivolol now pulse rate of 56 EF of 45 and increasing banc to normal really only thing I’m a lot slimmer lot 3 stone

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to bigolbears

So you had fat heart rate after the ablation? That's my worry is having fat heart rates after..

Singwell profile image

Had my first in April. If you're a nervous disposition ask for a GA. That way you'll know nothing about it.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Singwell

What's ga?

Ablation7 profile image
Ablation7 in reply to Dpc2019

General anesthesia

IanMK profile image

I had GA for both my ablations. As Bigolbears said, I’ve had worse experiences with a dentist too. Just remember not to expect magic. It take some months for your body to get to a new normal. When you start your recovery exercise your body will let you know when to ease up. Listen carefully.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to IanMK

So how was recovery? and did your pvcs just dissappear after procedure..? I'm hearing people getting over arythmaias after having ablation or fast heart rate is my fear..., 😏🙄

IanMK profile image
IanMK in reply to Dpc2019

The first mapping and ablation identified that the source was adjacent to my AV node. Since my EP hadn’t had a discussion with me about “what to do if….” at that point, he couldn’t address that at that time. I was pretty-much OK after the second ablation.

Remember that the ablation process is damaging small areas of the heart muscle, so don’t expect to get back to normal immediately. Just take it slowly. Having said that, I did feel a bit of a fraud because I didn’t spend a lot of time feeling exhausted as I know some people do.

I’m still on meds to keep my BP and HR low. Ideally, I’d like to come off them but they’re not causing me a problem and I’m advised that there is a risk I could regress if I stopped.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to IanMK

Thanks for your replys man. And what was your ablation for? I mean my whole purpose of doing ablation is I'm sick of trying diffrent drugs I'm off all drugs at min and not getting as many pvcs as I was when I was on them.. But yeah to do the ablation and then stay on drugs after it I just wouldn't do the ablation if that what they tell me.

IanMK profile image
IanMK in reply to Dpc2019

I had a high ectopic burden and was continually on-edge. My HF would likely become worse. I’m stable now, feel great and no side effects. If you’re coping with PVCs at present what would you hope to achieve? It’s very much a personal decision that only you can make.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to IanMK

Yeah that's the thing my pvcs was worse while in drugs, and only since stopping have I realised that actually there still there my ectopics but not as bad as they was, and yes it's a hard decision to make....

Prince123456 profile image

Hi. Are your PVCs multi focal ?

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Prince123456

Unifocal arising from one place that's been on two 24hr tapes mine are comming from rvot by looks of it..abd yours?

Singwell profile image

Sorry GA = general anaesthetic as opposed to sedation. Ablation can be done with either in the case of AF.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Singwell

Aww ok.. Well iv got about 6 weeks to see what I want to do just so nervous it's ruining my life

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Dpc2019

Just a thought given you've said about how it's ruining your life thinking about it: would you consider a bit of talk therapy to help you through the worry and anxiety? A reliable hypnotherapist might be another option. At my hospital QEH Birmingham they actually have a hypnotherapist they recommend for those struggling with AF. I've never had it myself but I know others who have.

greg35 profile image

Hi I had 2 ablations for PVCs unfortunately it didnt really help I was having up tp 20,000 a day I am now on Flecanide and Nebivolol but have developed pain with the ectopics EP baffled saw him today have to have a CT scan, if the procedure works for you please let me know, my first was sedation second GA which was much better, good luck, Ingrid

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to greg35

How would you describe e the procedure ? Recovery? Painful during and after? And did you have any arrhythmias or fast heart rate after doing abbltion? Thanks for your feedback..

Palpman profile image

Got a call today from the Bristol Hospital. My first ablation is next month for Re entry tachycardia.

I'm personally not anxious at all as it's only a procedure.

My biggest concern is stopping the Flecainide 5 days beforehand.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Palpman

See I wasn't worried about stopping the drugs, I was on bisoprolol I stopped it outright to switch to calcium channel blocker, had chest pain fora while but that left.. Then I went on verapamil and ep said stop them too as there not suppressing my ectopics, so stopped them now also 5 days in. No issues actually I kid you not since sopping my ectopics they've been no where near as many so I'm gona get another 24hr ecg to see my burden.. As its definitely gona be lower than 8% on the last 1 few weeks ago..

Browncoat profile image

Absolutely no argument - Go for it!

I had some problems with irritation to the eosophagus and this was more of an issue than anything heart-related - it was/is bliss to be free of those almost-constant PACs!

I had an ablation in early January - I had paroxysmal AF, but towards the time of the procedure I was getting many, many PACs a day and it was really interrupting my sleep too. I am in sinus now for the vast, vast majority of the time - no more PACs at all and no hint of AF (so far!) BUT... after a few months I started to get premature ventricular contractions (see my post if it's of interest).

I'd have another ablation without hesitation.

Good luck, whatever you decide.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Browncoat

So how long was procedure? And how was recovery? Painful? And others have said other arrhythmias popped up when healing from ablation did you get any? And any fast heart rate after the ablation as that's my worry..

Browncoat profile image
Browncoat in reply to Dpc2019

Sorry, this is far longer than anticipated, but you might find it useful?...

Apparently I was being worked on for quite a long time - about 3 hours in total, though most of this is mapping, I think. Of course I knew nothing about it. I was awake one moment and waking up the next - my first general anaesthetic. I would have liked to be awake and watch things on the monitor - I find it very interesting. Understandably, there was no way they would allow that!!

I am not sure if my ablation was more complex than some? My discharge letter says that "all pulmonary veins were isolated", and later, "Adenosine unmasked some dormant conduction from the right inferior pulmonary vein, and further ablation was applied in and around this region resulting in pulmonary vein isolation." If anyone can shed more light on this?

I was pretty woozy and wobbly afterwards and had a few moments of light-headedness, but I was discharged the same evening. I did get a few episodes of 'visual migraine' type auras, which would have unnerved me had I not already known it was possible. I think I would have been in overnight if Covid-19 wasn't causing a few issues in the same hospital, as my wife and a nurse had to assist me out of the ward! To be honest, I was probably as concerned about Covid-19 as the actual procedure.

The first day or so afterwards was great - I was in normal sinus rhythm! I felt a bit 'battered' in the chest and coudn't take a full breath for a few days. By day three I was in more discomfort/pain with my oesophagus than with my chest which made eating and drinking, even swallowing saliva, rather uncomfortable. The oesophagus sits very close to the heart and some folk do get symptoms due to localised damage. I called the hospital and was prescribed Omeprazole, which settled things after a few days and, after a few weeks it was a distant memory. No problems with the groin/catheter entry site at all at any stage.

I had no arrythmias or fast heart rate during the 'blanking period', but (and this is difficult to describe) I was aware of periods where I could sense that my heart would have gone into AF, but wasn't able to! I was in perfect, strong sinus rhythm (as verified by my Kardia). This feeling was not disturbing and I no longer get this.

I do experience some premature ventricular contractions - I have not had these before. Some days I find them a bit troublesome, and others I hardly notice them. I am not woken at night at all, which was happening regularly with my premature atrial contractions and AF episodes. I would say my heart rate is perhaps very slightly raised, compared to before, but not to any great extent, and not something I am at all aware of.

After 7 months, my memory of it is not one of pain - some discomfort from the oesophagus, but I think I was unlucky there.

Good luck!

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Browncoat

Thank you so much my friend put my mind at ease..

Browncoat profile image
Browncoat in reply to Dpc2019

You're welcome! Come back and let us know how it went. :-)

Niki_ profile image

Have you tried any natural to treat them ? I had a 13,000 ( 13%) pvc burden in 24 hours and I got mine down to 4% taking some natural supplements, doing daily cardio and eating a bit healthier

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Niki_

Oh wow any supplements you recommend?

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply to Dpc2019

I take taurine, L-arginine and magnesium glycinate twice a day ..

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