Afib episode same time wvey day - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Afib episode same time wvey day

Suntanann profile image
54 Replies

Can anybody shed any light on why my afib starts at same time evwey day at around 5pm in the afternoon's not eating related as I don't eat till half 6 most evenings . I take verapmil 40 mg 4 times a day

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Suntanann profile image
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54 Replies
rosyG profile image

I think body clock comes into it and you nervous system may be getting ready to switchthen Also once something starts it has a pattern!

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to rosyG

So not an awful lot I can so to change it then 🙄

rosyG profile image
rosyG in reply to Suntanann

try to avoid any other triggers-alcohol de hydration, extra weight high BP etc

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to rosyG

Tried them all :Am only.8 stone

BP is good

I don't drink alcohol

Eat a very healthy diet

Drink water all through the day

Trying to find a trigger but can't find one's so frustrating

Thank you for help rosy.

rosyG profile image
rosyG in reply to Suntanann

check potassium levels that's a trigger for me

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to rosyG

Have had regular potassium and magnesium checks ...last one bring two weeks ago and all was fine Don't knw if potassium leels can fluctuate daily though ?

rosyG profile image
rosyG in reply to Suntanann

I think so. If you make sure always have potassium rich food should help

sdgb profile image
sdgb in reply to Suntanann

How much water do you drink?

I used to drink a lot of water, which caused an imbalance in my electrolytes which seemed to trigger my AF. I have reduced my intake and check the colour of my urine if it’s clear like water it’s too diluted. My AF used to occur between 1-2 am

My AF has reduced significantly

Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to Suntanann

I complained of the same thing. I too eat healthy, exercise, drink water etc. I heard it is an internal clock. Now I am thinking that I may be drinking too much water during the day that is placing me in position where it reduces my electrolytes. If it happens again in the future, I will try taking magnesium and a piece of banana to see if that stops it.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Sometimes we can unwittingly find ourselves doing shallow breathing and the heart protests. Are you sat relaxing when it kicks off?

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to jeanjeannie50

Sometimes relaxing. ..sometimes driving ...sometimes cooking ...sometimes pottering in garden no 🙄

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Suntanann

So odd its always around the same time. Will put my thinking cap back on. How long has it been doing this?

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to jeanjeannie50

I know it's odd isn't it .Been doing it since the day I started a fib at end of January

Much appreciate the wearing of the thinking cap !

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Do you drink de-caff tea /coffee? Caffeine is a trigger, it's also in some fizzy drinks.

Think what chemicals you may be consuming, or putting on your body like deodorant, body lotion, make up. I feel there's a simple cure for you, we just have to find it. Chemicals in newly bought clothing, bedding, plastic framed windows.

Artificial sweeteners were my trigger.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to jeanjeannie50

I drink Decaf tea ....never touch carbonated drinks either !! So sorry ...your trying so hard to help !

Finvola profile image

I agree with john6 that the brain can work against us sometimes. I had bouts of ectopics after my second vaccine - same time of late afternoon every day. I wasn't aware of any physical reason for the timing so I assumed I was triggering them by being aware that it was late afternoon. Distraction may possibly help.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to Finvola

Yes I will try keeping mtoe acive at that time of day hard to keep the thoughts and anticipation of it starting out of my thiught patterns though ..will try though . Thank you

Suntanann profile image

Never one to say no to shopping ! Lol But yes thank you for that idea

Fibber222 profile image
Fibber222 in reply to Suntanann

Maybe John has a point there. I understand the brain can controlThe heart so maybe each day you may be waiting for it to happen at that time and it does. I used to

Get the same thing in the afternoon. Since my meds have been increased it doesn’t happen. Maybe have a word with your cardio as it’s a daily occurance. Horrible for you.

ETHEL103 profile image
ETHEL103 in reply to Fibber222

Me too Ann as you know.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to ETHEL103

Some interesting and helpful advice and solutions been posted might find something that will help you

JemBron profile image

If only there were answers as to why? 😍

Suntanann profile image

Now I would say that only women can multi task but I will resist the temptation lol

Palpman profile image

My wife knows not to ask me to accompany her to the shops or walks between 09.00 and 12.00 as it's my personal time with my palps and ectopics.

They will suddenly stop for a few weeks and return again in the evenings on a regular time.

Its has nothing to do with foods or drinks. It just does that to irritate me.

stoneyrosed profile image

Your anticipatory stress & anxiety levels are kicking in each day just before 5 I feel. Adrenaline & cortisol is a main trigger for afib. Your waiting for it to happen and it dutifully arrives every day. Got to be your thought patterns, so I agree with the others, distraction is the key, and easy said than done I know but try to find a way to stop worrying. Good luck x

thumpthump profile image

A couple of long shots here…

Do you suffer with acid reflux (possibly undiagnosed)? Maybe with an empty stomach and high acid levels around 5pm could it be irritating your vagal nerve? Treatment with the appropriate PPI could help?

Also, food with sweeteners in, multi vitamins or meal replacement / protein shakes / bars have irritated my condition in the past.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to thumpthump

I was taking omeprozole for months for gastritis . I stopped in march as felt they interfered with the absorption of the verapmil ...and also the gastritis had cleared up . ..I still to this day think that the gastritis triggered the afib events which started at end of January .

Interesting what you said regarding stomach issues though and irritation of the vagal nerve

Jetcat profile image

I went through a 12 + month spell of sinus rhythm all way through my sleep, but 5 minutes after waking up I would start with the ectopics which would eventually progress into a afib episode.!!! I told my EP about this and he looked puzzled and said that’s very strange and he didn’t recall hearing anyone else tell him this. It lasted 12 +months and was getting me down. I also wore a wrist monitor at night. but Soon as I woke I would sit up in bed get my cardialive ECG monitor and record my ectopics getting closer and longer and then finally into AFIB. I printed them all off in day order and took them with me for my next appointment with the cardiologist. He started looking through the 3 foot high pile of ECGs and couldn’t explain why this was happening nearly every morning at the same time for so long.? It finally stopped happening and it’s never happened since. It’s saved me loads of paper too.

Auriculaire profile image

Low blood sugar? When is the meal before? Try eating a banana about 4-15pm.

Belle11 profile image
Belle11 in reply to Auriculaire

I was wondering about low blood sugar too. There have certainly been cases recorded of low bs triggering AF in people with diabetes . And you don't have to be diabetic to have low blood sugar.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Belle11

Low blood sugar makes me feel awful. Sometimes I get it immediately after dinner . I feel nauseous , weak and sweat profusely . It wears off in about 15 -20 mins once my food starts getting through.

Belle11 profile image
Belle11 in reply to Auriculaire

I used to get extreme low blood sugar reaction pre-menstrually before the menopause, as you describe - dizzy, sweaty and shaky till I had eaten something starchy. Cutting out all refined foods and having enough protein really helped.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Belle11

Same here but it stopped after my hysterectomy. I only get it occasionally now and usually after dinner.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to Auriculaire

I eat a banana at 10 am and then a bowl of muesli at 11am ...and don't eat again till around half 5 when I have a couple of rice cakes ans then Wat dinner around half 6 ..usually salmon or chixken with lots of veg ..and live yog and fruit for pudding

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Suntanann

Are you taking a magnesium supplement? Are you sure you are getting enough protein in your diet? Where are the healthy fats ? You are only eating one real meal a day. It is maybe not a coincidence that your attacks are coming just before that meal when your body will be short of nutrients. You could try adding some nuts to the rice cakes and some more fruit to give potassium. Your diet seems very restricted.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to Auriculaire

Yes I'm going to look at me diet again and start eating in the afternoon ....I have gastritis so I can't eat large meals ....but will think on what you've said Thank you ☺

ETHEL103 profile image
ETHEL103 in reply to Suntanann

Ann I had gastritis and had to give up the Cs. Cheese, chianti or red wine., cream, citrus fruit. Took a year of this to cure it.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to ETHEL103

Gosh our stories are so similar aren't they ! Yes I completely changed my diet and was incredibly unwell with the gastritis ...I'm sure it caused the afib but can't proven it .I stopped the horrid PPI'S as they block absorption of so much and are not good longterm

belindalore profile image

It may be like some here have mentioned. You are getting anxious waiting for it to happen and then it does. I have anxiety and a little can really wreak havoc. You don't even realize you're getting anxious but your body does and the heart does. I think the suggestions here are good. Try to not think about it. Find something to deter your mind from it. Try deep breathing exercises to relax. Hope you will find a resolution. Just listening to all the great people here helps so much. Many have been living with this for a long time so they know what works for them and what might help someone else. Hang in there.I'm in Florida. The hurricane season has started. And it makes me very anxious. 😵

Just read your post about your eating. I agree with Auriculaire. Maybe eat more?

Suntanann profile image

Thank you for your msg's difficult with the eating as i suffer with gastritis so a lot of foods are off the menu .Wow ...beautiful florida. ..Yes must be very anxious with the onset of hurricane season ...

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Suntanann

Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know about your gastritis. And someone here did mention and you replied back about that being a trigger. Darn. Can you eat small meals through the day? Always something isn't it. But you will conquer it with all the good advice here. Oh yes the start of every June is the beginning of hurricane season and lasts til the end of November. Sometimes it lasts longer. Depends on what Mother Nature decides and she's been pretty mean with all the bad weather in the USA lately. Fires, floods, tornadoes. You name it. We've got it. 😝

Do take care and be safe. Wish you well on your journey to being more well.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to belindalore

Thank you for your kind words ...people on this forum offer amazing support and knowledge ...and from all parts of the world which is wow to me you on anxiety and.forever watching rhe weather reports where you are ...for fear of mother nature destroying your home ....In the. Part of the uk i am just outside London our weather is pretty averahe. ..if we get a bit of snow our country grinds to halt !

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Suntanann

Can I move there!lol. Oh there are parts of the USA in the south where it stays warm all year. But occasionally it can get cold enough to snow and you have to know how to drive in the snow. For example Texas had really cold weather last winter which of course is not the norm. And there was lots of snow. And lots of car accidents. Areas like that don't have equipment and such to deal with snow and ice. But then some people have no common sense these days to stay home when they don't know how to drive in snow. But in all fairness, even in the parts of the country that do have cold and snow and ice every winter, there are always the ones without common sense and there are still accidents. 😒I'm trying to not get too anxious about the hurricanes. I pray a lot. 😔

Take care.

Dollcollector profile image

Could it be you are getting exhausted by 5.p.m Sleep is important with A.F.

RR-74 profile image

My EP told me that when your body starts to slow down in the evening the signals are weaker and it's easier for the "alternate/extra" signals to sneak in.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to RR-74

Did he give you any tips to try and stop it from.happening ?

RR-74 profile image
RR-74 in reply to Suntanann

No, your body has to calm down in the evening. In my case I try to keep a good schedule, circadian rhythm is a important for all this. I workout, but of course talk to your doc about that. Meditation is a must imo. Minerals can get flushed if you over drink water as some have mentioned on here, however, if you're on a beta blocker, you have to be careful adding minerals, they can interfere, but that doesn't seem to be your problem.I would expect a diet that doesn't make you tired (overdoing carbs) would help, imo protein is most important, followed by staying under the threshold where carbs spike your glucose too much, then adding the rest in fats to meet your calorie needs. I know you can do an OGTT test to find out more about your carb tolerance, but I'm not sure how it works, guess my doc should be able to help with that. I'm in the process of refining my diet and going to doc for this is the next step. I guess ablation could be a solution, but I don't know the long term effects of it or if there are studies on it and my doc thinks I'm too young for it at 47.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to RR-74

I was told the younger you have an ablation the better the chances of a good result . Nd im 53 so im eeally hoowdul .I'm now on the nhs waiting list for the procedure bur the waiting list time is 6 to 8 months so desperately seeking solutions to regain some QOL in the meantime .I eat very healthy diet is not a issue ...I can't work out like I used as I have afib evwey day .. but I'm trying to stay as active as I can as being as fit as I can is good for me mentally as well as physically

I do practice meditation every day ...always have done for 30 years now

RR-74 profile image
RR-74 in reply to Suntanann

53 is young! I figured that younger would be better, we should be able to recuperate better. I'll have to ask EP about repercussions of ablation. This is relatively new to me and if I can keep it at bay without operation and maybe even drop the meds at some point, then I wont do it. However, if it turns out to be permanent, I'm strongly inclined for ablation, if long-term consequences are not too bad.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to RR-74

53 isn't feeling very young at the moment !Yes ...if I can get my afib under control I would put ablation on a bsck burner as any procedures carried out on the heart scares the life out of me .. but having tried various cocktails of meds nothing seems to control my heart rhythm ...only the rate 🙄

RR-74 profile image
RR-74 in reply to Suntanann

You got this, just keep working on it with your doc and don't fear the procedure. My understanding is that on first try it's +70% effective and if second needed it's +90% effective. If I could get rid of this I'd do it twice without much thought.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to RR-74

You got this to I see your in the states ...lucky you ...I'm very envious .

Love thus forum thay it connects people around the world that all have one thing in common ...afib

AussieHeart profile image

I thought I read on this forum that the certain aFIB beta blockers caused it. That is if you take one in the morning and one at night (even half twice a day) by about late arvo early evening this can happen. It was my experience on Sotalol so after reading that I switched to one a day Bisoprolol (mornings) and thankfully that 4-6pm symptom disappeared. Worth asking your EP if you are taking meds for arrhythmia if it’s the beta blockers :-)

geepo1 profile image

Think about something you may feel is unrelated but that you do or have each day. Mine turned out to be fluoride, ( toothpaste, mouthwash etc. ) And ethanol, ( cough syrups and lozenges ). Then would start AF after 2 hours. Keep a diary of routine things.

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