Help! Can I trust my new Meater+? Non... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Help! Can I trust my new Meater+? Non AFib [PG rated]

35 Replies

About to start the Sunday roast.

Tesco chicken, 1.8 mgs, label advises 1 hour 40 at 180 fan

Last week’s pork seemed underdone.

Edit: thinking of using coconut oil?

35 Replies

Meater now saying 60 minutes total for medium to well done

Tesco say 100 minutes. Anyone?

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to

We usually go with the label. though we do find that our new(ish) oven cooks quicker and drier than our old one so as we always have done set timer for 10 or 5 minutes less and check then - if the juices run clear the chicken is cooked. With chicken/pork I would rather over cooked than undercooked - the opposite with lamb and beef can't stand it over cooked. Enjoy your meal.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to

At least 100 minutes - I like to know meat is well cooked. Don't use coconut oil. Just my personal opinion.

CDreamer profile image

I use a steam assisted oven so completely different - halves the cooking time & always moist. I find most of the guides tend to overcook but best to keep watching and testing.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to CDreamer

My wife has said she is going to put a dish of boiled water in the bottom of the oven next time she bakes so hopefully will make things a little more moist.

Thanks all.

In the event, it was just perfect at 60 minutes, but my little nest of vipers wouldn’t eat it - elbowed me out of the way, and we tucked in to a rather overcooked bird 30 minutes later. Much aggro ensued with insults flying across the table. As my son said, the enjoyment at mealtimes comes as much from the banter as from the food in this house. I think the real problem is that my dw doesn’t like it when I encroach on her territory....which is why I waited until she had gone to Morrison’s, to start today’s wind up.

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to

I have a meat thermometer . Don’t use it much . I have an Aga so the actual temperature is a bit vague. The old tried and tested method of sticking in a skewer to see if the juices run clear can be useful

in reply to Peony4575

I didn’t get where I am today by not having a draw full of high tech stuff I couldn’t figure out...

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to

That’s a man thing lol . I can get by with a simple calculation and a skewer ! ( are you allowed to say that’s a man thing these days without being arrested by the Woke brigade ?)

in reply to Peony4575

You probably would, me not so sure. Tread carefully...

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Peony4575

I didn’t understand the meaning of the word Woke as an adjective until today when a member of my Poetry Group submitted a poem explaining. We live and learn.

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to CDreamer

Personally I would rather they went back to sleep !

Gmc54 profile image
Gmc54 in reply to Peony4575

I've already reported you to the police, expect blue lights any time now! Shame on you!! 🤪

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Gmc54

Oh no !!!! I might be exiled to California !!!’

in reply to Peony4575

And locked up!

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to

Very likely. It has been said before lol

in reply to Peony4575

I find that hard to believe, with you being such a reserved and uncontroversional person...

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to

Glad you noticed that about me Badger !

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to

You too my other half berates me about that drawer full of stuff and I do notice that every so often things disappear and no one seems to know where they have gone. For the last 3 years we have had the excuse of saying they are in one of those last boxes to be unpacked or we must have got rid of it when we moved - no longer!

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to

That sounds hilarious Badger. Would love to be a fly on the wall.

Jalia profile image

Best to buy an oven thermometer as oven temps vary so much. I thought my oven was cooking at too high a temperature and was confirmed when daughter in law had to use in an emergency ....she bakes birthday cakes to order so always uses a thermometer which confirmed very much above temp on dial !!

in reply to Jalia

Meater uses an algorithm which predicts cooking time based on a probe at the centre of the meat and the ambient oven temperature, so it doesn’t matter whether the oven temperature is accurate. Meater recommend “low and slow”.

It’s a great tool, good for the barbecue as well as the oven. Be sure to mention me when you buy yours.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to

No you have whet my appetite for another gadget! What will I be told about that purchase!

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to

Sounds useful. Our oven extremely dodgy and I suffer much angst when cooking chicken having once suffered food poisoning from it - ruined my honeymoon....nuff said 😱

Jalia profile image

Thank you Badger....sounds very interesting. I will investigate !!

secondtry profile image

Chicken for us AFers is better than red meat but if it is part of your regular diet be wary of buying from the cheapest source...I won't say anything more!

in reply to secondtry

Obviously I agree, but I don’t understand why red meat has been demonised, unless of course preservatives have been added.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to

I am no scientist but I think it is something in the meat not additives. Just yesterday I had a small amount of lamb pie from one of the best organic sources (local & grazed on herb rich pasture - delicious) and 2 hours later had a number of ectopics (very unusual for me) with peeing every 20 mins (rarely occurs). Could be a coincidence of course but I have learned to listen to my body and reduce the risk level - chicken next Sunday!

in reply to secondtry

Perhaps something in the winter feed, or nitrate pasture top dressings. From my former sheep rearing days, I was aware of how cattle were fed pellets containing slaughtered beasts and offal. BSE 1986.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to

Yes I know some of those horror stories and that organic certification still allows certain pasture/animal 'treatments' but I have know this farm for sometime and my money is still on the meat's natural constituents being an AF risk factor for some not all AFers.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to

That’s why I try to buy grass fed beef.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to secondtry

Always get free range organic. That way at least the poor thing is not stuffed full of ghastlies and hopefully has had a better life than in a battery cage which is horrible. I always like long and slow and lots of herbs.

ibuputih profile image

Ah Badger 2021 - I was bought a Meater block by DH as part of my birthday present last year. I will say (somewhat immodestly) that I am a confident, competent and ambitious cook and that my husband has a PhD in Chemistry. Read into that what you like as regards the motive behind my gift!I confess that the probes haven't been used a huge amount - many times I just don't need/can't be bothered to use them. However, on the occasions that I have, I have been well impressed by the result. The shining examples have been with beef and lamb, as we like our beef rare and our lamb pink and this ensures perfection. I eat very small amounts of meat, but I am fussy about what I do have. DH is a big meat eater. We have a Cote de Boeuf that is destined to be 'Meater'd' this evening - yum yum.

I have found that coordinating finishing times with vegetables can be tricky on occasion, which is my main gripe, as occasionally time is added to the ongoing estimate.

Last week I unearthed a frozen boned and rolled minted lamb joint bought at Xmas. It was a ready prepared Xmas special, but duh! - like an idiot I had frozen it without the packaging and instructions. Google only showed me the exterior instructions which said it cooked in 45 mins + resting. This seemed about right to me and I was going to 'wing it' using 45 mins as the guide but decided to 'Meater it' instead. It was cooked to perfection and rested in 3/4's of the time and would have been tough and much less pleasant if cooked longer. So a win for Meater.

Can't wait to see if it will make Beef Wellington a less precarious exercise - once we can start entertaining again!

in reply to ibuputih

Thank you ibuputih, for your mouthwatering post. I can’t wait to get my invitation for dinner!

ibuputih profile image


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