Does anybody have experience of using a smartwatch ecg function to monitor Afib?
Afib monitoring by smartwatch - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib monitoring by smartwatch

Yes. My IWatch saved my life I am convinced of it. What would you like to know? 😀
The Apple watch seems to be the best one. However they are not cheap so it depends on your budget.
Fitbit watch's are cheaper but can give widely inaccurate readings. Most of time they are OK but expect some daft readings.
Would a Kardia be a better option for you ?

The Apple watch and the Alive Cor Kardia Mobile are reliable ways of recording your heart rhythm, for details on the Kardia Mobile, please follow the link provided both are recognised by N.IC.E. guidelines
I use my smart watch all the time to monitor my A fib. Whilst it may not be totally accurate it does offer continuous information
I have an Apple Watch which was recommended by my Cardiologist, I send him PDF print outs of the ECG readings.
My Apple Watch alerted me to the Afib in the first place after warning of high heart rate resting at 160bpm. Went to A&E and had cardio version. According to the cardiologist they are very accurate.
I’d never have known I had AF if it wasn’t for my Apple Watch. Now I’ve had treatment I use it to see any changes in my heart rate and the occasional ECG. Wouldn’t be without it.
My Apple Watch alerted us that my husband was in permanent AF and then following on investigation he had thyroid issues. We now both have one each. Hubby got one second hand and mine was a treat. You can become obsessed with checking but when getting used to it now that I am not taking any medication other than pill in pocket I rely on it to alert me if it detects AF
There is an excellent app called Fibricheck that shows Afib.The first check is free and then it costs £5.99 pm or £3.99pm depending on the subscription chosen. It is available on Android not sure about Apple.
Have had an Apple Watch since the first version with ecg came out. Love it. Flecanide seems to be holding just now so only use the ecg function when I feel a run of off beats.
Yes, I used a Withings MoveECG watch for about 18 months. It tracked my steps and was brillitant as an ECG for checking out your AF. Sadly I can't recommend it though, the battery life was less than 6 months, it was very fussy about which brand battery you used, the watch case was soft plastic that degraded with every battery change, the plastic 'crystal' got scratched up very badly and eventually cracked.
If you are looking to avoid the iPhone/iWatch route, I suggest you should look at the Samsung versions. At least they have Gorillaglass faces, I believe, like a phone does.
I moved on from Kardia to the iWatch and love it. Just yesterday I took two tracings, one was Sinus Rhythm, another was Inconclusive, which brought on some anxiety as I was pretty sure that was AF. However, looking closer at the strip I saw there were P-waves and what I was feeling was likely Ventricular Bigeminy which disappeared in the second half of the reading. With this knowledge I took my Flecainide PiP in case it worsened and moved on with the day.
Yes, I use my Apple Watch to monitor my AF all the time. Find it very helpful and reassuring at times.