A F and exercise: Taking bisoprolol and... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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A F and exercise

trixie100 profile image
17 Replies

Taking bisoprolol and Apixaban how much exercise is too much with af bisoprplol lowers heart rate so are you fighting against it with exercise?

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trixie100 profile image
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17 Replies

Hi trixie, what is generally suggested is that you listen to your body and when you sense it’s telling you to ease off, do just that. The other measure is if you can manage to have a conversation at the same time you are exercising then you should be fine. The only problem with that is if you exercise alone, you may attract some strange looks......😉

Physalis profile image

I think any exercise where you are really pushing yourself is too much. The heart tries to help you by sending extra beats. Unrequited, but your heart doesn't know that.

MrXile profile image

I’m on both medications and I try to do 15-20 minutes of light exercise every other day. I go for a walk with my wife, or I might play a little ‘Beat Saber’ on PlayStation.

Not enough to be out of breath completely, just enough to raise the pulse slightly. Keep my body in check.

I’m still trying to ascertain of exercise exacerbates my symptoms or not to be honest.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to MrXile

Hi mrxile. Do you measure your heart rate when you exercise? If so how high do you let your rate get?

MrXile profile image
MrXile in reply to Elli86

Hi, oh seriously not that high - after checking afterwards highest it’s been is like 80.

My resting rate is 52-55 BPM

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to MrXile

I’m currently on 2.5mg bisoprolol and my heart rate can get up to 110/120 while walking. According to my watch my average resting heart rate is 58. I took my bike out yesterday for a 20 minute ride at probably the slowest pace ever attempted by a 34 yr old in the history of mankind and my peak rate got up to 138. I literally didn’t feel like I was doing anything at all and was hardly breathing anymore than I would when walking around my house.

MrXile profile image
MrXile in reply to Elli86

I’m on 7.5mg so that could be a factor as to why mine stays so low. But honestly, I don’t over do any exercise. Especially having costachondritus (rib cage inflammation) I can’t afford to anyway.

Lol. The slowest pace? Doesn’t matter how slow you go, the fact you’re doing it is reward enough.

Does your heart rate come down quickly back to normal? Say 5-10 mins later? If so... I can’t see any problem (not that I’m a doctor... far from it lol)

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to MrXile

Ouch! That’s a high dose. I don’t even cope on 2.5. I’d hate to think what I’d be like on 7.5. Do you get any side affects with that sort of dose?

It was the first “exercise” I’ve attempted since my symptoms got really bad in Oct/nov, outside of walking, hence why I was so slow. Took it incredibly easy. Just thought it might sort my head out a bit to get out in the fresh air on the bike. My heart rate comes down fairly quickly but I think this is partly caused by the bisoprolol. 139 was only the peak according to watch and I wasn’t up that high for any length of time. Sat around 115 in general.

Research seems to suggest that exercise can actually lessen symptoms so I’m hoping I can get out maybe every other day and VERY slowly increase to the point where I feel comfortable but am actually getting some cardiovascular benefit as well.

LaceyLady profile image

I am using my exercise bike and cross trainer for 22 minutes each 3 times a week. I do what I can, I don’t push the settings up at the moment. I used to swim and aquarobics 3x week before lock down. I listen to how I’m feeling. My consultant advocated exercise. If I were to feel off, I slow it or stop. Doing nothing won’t help keeping fit it flexible. I’d like to walk but parks and woods here are like quagmires and I worry about slipping and twisting my knee that has partial replacement.

Globe-J profile image

Hi Trixie,

While I was suffering this condition, I still managed to build my fitness up to running 7 to 10 km at a respectable pace. In my case, the exercise seemed to provoke AF, but only at times. On different occasions it seemed to ‘reset’ my heart to normal. At the end I stopped worrying and ran whenever I wanted to.

I must add, the only symptoms I experienced while running with AF was increased effort and slower pace. Like a four-cylinder car, running on three. My suggestion would be to work with your body. A heart may increase its output capacity, even if it is running slower. Of course, warm up and warm down and be open to any warning signs

J (-:

Thecyclist profile image

I'm on 7.5mg of Bisoprolol and can only get my HR up to 90 max, used to be able to get to 160-170 while cycling. I struggle to do anything really energetic, I went for a 12km walk up a mountain yesterday and struggled on the steeper bits, just got breathless akin to wading through treacle. Walking on the flat I have no issues at all.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Thecyclist

How bad is your AF when your not on any medication? Just wondering why the dosage is so high for you and Mrexcile? Do you still get palpitations or ectopics while on the higher dose?

Thecyclist profile image

Don't have AF as far as I know, my experience mostly based on Bisoprolol and exercise. Consultant found some tachycardia (broad complex) on a 48 hour ECG and decided to put me on 5mg first and then 10mg out of concern, dropped to 7.5mg last year as HR dropped too low at night, awaiting further tests/ECG to see if the tachycardia warrants further and continued intervention. I suffer high BP as well although its well controlled now. I do get PVC's/ectopics regularly though, sometimes many 100's a day. Consultant doesn't appear to phased by these. I hope to come off the beta blockers one day, as said don't find them too bad in everyday life but they have put paid to any meaningful exercise.

Ianc2 profile image
Ianc2 in reply to Thecyclist

Have a look at 'The Haywire Heart' written by a competitive cyclist?

Thecyclist profile image
Thecyclist in reply to Ianc2

Many Thanks, just ordered it, looks very interesting!

Tryfan profile image

Puffing. Heart rate up but try to avoid max- red zone. You can check max heart rate for your age on this site or Google. Exercise until you feel tired but not exhausted. So your still able to walk, talk normally after a few minutes from stopping. Works for me.

Ellie-Anne profile image

Hi Trixie.I’m 74, A/Fib, stable angina and on Bisoprolol 3.75 am/ 2.5pm plus Apaxiban 5mg twice a day.

I go down the woods with my hubby and walk 2-3 miles most days.

Heart rate usually averaging around 120 on a walk. ( Bought an Apple Watch recently and its brilliant for showing heart rate and lots of other stuff.)

The guidance I believe is

220 minus your age...,for the top limit while walking. Keep clear of that end and your fine.

The only problem I’ve had is a body rash! Probably Urticaria / Heat rash but a right pain. Didn’t have it before the above medications ???

Don’t be afraid to exercise. Your hearts a muscle and needs exercise ! Just take care and stop for a breather now and then. Listen to your body. 👍

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