Please Retain the Evidence: In my post... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Please Retain the Evidence

Craggy profile image
18 Replies

In my post yesterday I mentioned that my E.P. discovered that I suffered from atrial flutter as well as atrial fibrillation. This proved to be very important to the outcome of my ablation as he was able to treat both. I am not sure how things would have turned out otherwise. The reason he was able to discover the flutter was because way back in the early days of my A/F I went to my GP whilst an A/F episode was in progress and they did an ECG which showed the A/F on the trace. Obviously, it also showed the flutter but I don’t think that was identified at the time.

This happened because the first GP who diagnosed me asked me to attend the practice when I was next having an episode and request an ECG. In the event, when I did this, I didn’t get a very good reception but everyone eventually proved to be very helpful and supportive, even if I did disrupt their very busy schedule.

That was the only time when an ECG captured my A/F and it proved to be an essential as part of my diagnosis and treatment. Subsequently, I requested and received an electronic copy of the ECG and it was this that was supplied to my E.P. (The original copy was buried deep in my GP records and there proved to be a delay in supplying it which I was able to short circuit.)

My message is that, if you have the opportunity, try to get a full ECG done whilst an A/F episode is in progress and then request a copy that you can keep for future reference.

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Craggy profile image
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18 Replies
BobD profile image

I have long been recommending that people request and keep copies of all tests and ECGs along with correspondence between EP andGP. I have a HUGE file. Nobody has ever quibbled.

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to BobD

Same. My file is growing. It's so helpful when preparing for a meeting.

Finvola profile image

Excellent advice and well done that first GP for getting the trace during an episode.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Finvola

Back along I had an arrangement with my surgery to phone and go straight down for an ECG without seeing the GP first. This at least meant a delay of maybe 1/2 hour so few events I needed capturing were ever lost.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to BobD


Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to BobD

That was my husband's suggestion when I first had 'funny turns' - I didn't follow it.


CDreamer profile image

It’s a really difficult one which depends totally on the Policy of the organization and who ‘owns’ the results. Trouble is often with paper copies, I have been charged to have paper copies. If you are registered with NHS App or Online services you can have access.

I think the most important thing to do is to register to receive a copy of any letters between GP & specialist- many a time I’ve had to produce my own copies at an appointment to discuss options!

How it’s going to work now everything has gone digital I’m not too sure because I can’t view copies on-line.

Singwell profile image

I don't think that's legal in the UK though? You can request them under the freedom of information act surely? My GP grumbled but I got them anyway.

secondtry profile image

Best to casually say 'Could somebody copy that as I keep copies of all my tests'

CDreamer profile image

Having been involved in a few of this type of dispute around disclosure of notes from both sides, it is a difficult one with different facets of the law being involved but my understanding is that this applies to notes kept and there are now very strict guidelines as to what doctors and other staff can put in the notes. Tests and x-rays and ECGs etc depend very much upon the organisation as to whether or not they will supply.

I’m so sorry you have had these experiences which seems to have left you rather cynical. I have had both excellent care but also some which could be described as neglectful through to being refused to be treated because I argued with a treatment.

Singwell profile image

Right! I'm guessing you've had issues with this and I'm sorry to hear it. I suppose if you suspect there's a sinister reason for witholding of information you have to try other avenues: your MP, the Health Trust, the press. Thanks for the info - good to have.

Barb1 profile image

The hospitals love my heart history print outs. Twice they have asked if they could copy them, as an example of good practice and for training purposes.

EngMac profile image

Because I live where only a few specialists exist, and it is the only specialist hospital in the province, I have experience, if you disagree with the care by one specialist, even if it is true, the other specialists will not take you as a patient and they will not disagree with the first specialist. So you are stuck. Too many disposable patients, too few doctors, too much insurance influence for doctors, and too little public money, when only public health care is available and allowed, give the unique, knowledgeable, with more complicated health issues, not cookie cutter, patient limited options. Doctors can object to questions or input, especially if it something of which they do not have knowledge. Trying to get a tooth implant is a recent experience I have had that verifies this for me. It is not just heart doctors who can work this way. Some people in Canada, who can afford to do so, and sometimes have inside options or GP's who will help, can go to a larger centre in another province or to the US.

So if you have a open, knowledgeable doctor, or if you just do as directed, you may think this is just an unwarranted complaint. For a few people on this forum, it is real.

queseyo profile image

Yes, it is very sad, but some doctor's practices have became just like any business. Making money is the mayor aim, services is just to get out of any trouble at any cost of patients. I being thinking change my GP but...will I get a doctor who serves, professionally and ethically and humanly first? mmm

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to queseyo

Sounds like you are describing the USA.... Same things go on here. Whatever happened to Drs actually caring about the patients? Whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath and a Dr not doing harm to a patient? Part of it not being that anymore, is insurance companies have taken over and Drs don't want to fight them. So they do what they are told while continuing to make lots of money. How they go home and sleep at night I don't understand. Patients aren't patients or human beings anymore. You're just a policy number on an insurance policy. But the better the insurance the better care you might get. Medicine has gone down the tubes as far as I see it. It makes me sick and angry. And I don't think it will ever go back to the good of the patient. Sad.

Maglynne007 profile image

I have mine from the GP also as my episode lasted 3 full days. I showed it to my cardiologist (who I paid privately to see) and he said to keep it safe as proof. It is coming up to a year on Christmas night when I had my one and only AF episode (I’ve had a few flutters lasting no time at all though) but do suffer most days with varying degrees of arrhythmia (which I’ve captured on my IPhone watch). I’m hoping there won’t be any more AF episodes - no harm in hoping.

belindalore profile image

That's just so disheartening and wrong. I hope all who have harmed you like this end up in hell.

belindalore profile image

Well if they are throwing the American system in your face because it's bad they are right there. Of course in the UK and the USA there are plenty of people who will defend the system we have but then that's because most of them have the better insurance. Or can afford private pay and see better Drs. It shouldn't have to be that way. Not everyone can afford the better insurance. And sadly some of those people look down on those who can't afford the better insurance. And then like you said there are those who don't get decent care because they can't afford insurance at all ,or here, on Medicaid which is for those in poverty. And yet the illegal immigrants here sometimes get better care, free, than the American citizens. It's just insane. Our Medicare system for the elderly was in the beginning supposed the same coverage for everyone who had it. Then it became privatized and it went to heck. It's profit over patient. The insurance companies call all the shots. And god forbid the Drs rail against the insurance companies. Some of the good Drs will but most don't. They still have cushy jobs. What can be easier than to just treat symptoms and push pills and procedures at the patients. No worry about finding the cause for an illness. No worry if the patient doesn't get better or worse passes away. Hey those Drs did what they could. Yeah right. 🙄 There's so much wrong with the medical system in the USA. But it's been corrupt for so long as well as our wonderful do nothing politicians, it will probably never change back for the better. Obamacare was supposed to be ex president Obama's answer for people to afford healthcare. What a joke it turned out to be. So I'm with you. Too much monopoly in these healthcare systems. But it sounds like there's as much chance as your NHS changing as the USA system. None. Too much money and corruption involved here. I wish you the best. I like to think God is watching and when these corrupt people stand at the doors to the Pearly gates, there's a trap door He trips to send them all to the fires below. Because that's where they all should go. 😊👿

Something else. Over here the insurance companies spend millions of dollars on TV ads. Magazine and newspaper ads. Trying to get people to sign up with them. Same with big pharmas who spend millions to advertise their miracle drugs.... I'm talking tens of millions of dollars every year. They make money hand over foot. Think how much less insurance and what they cover would cost if they didn't spend all those millions on advertising. And drugs would be cheaper. I just don't get it. 😕😡 Yeah I do. Money money money.

Once again you take care. Have a nice holiday season.🎅

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