Can anyone give advice on lowering bl... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Can anyone give advice on lowering blood pressure the natural way, suddenly shot up, thanks

Angiespider profile image
15 Replies

I have controlled my bp for years with beetroot and garlic but now dosent seem to be working, any ideas

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15 Replies
CDreamer profile image

Any ideas as to why it has shot up? I would suggest that would be a more pertinent question and one that needs investigation. If consistently above the considered norm and staying higher than normal and nothing immediate comes to mind then time to see your doctor, methinks.

Stress of some sort is the most obvious but is it physical stress from an organ dysfunction? Over exercise? Environment? Psychological stress?

What do you consider high and how are you taking your BP? Are you in NSR or AF?

Personally I don’t see much difference between using ‘natural’ and pharmaceuticals - as long as you are taking under professional or medical supervision or professionally trained and aware of the affects both will have and how each interact with each other.

Sustained high BP is not to be ignored.

I eat both regularly but I have the opposite problem - low BP and only pharmaceuticals have made any difference as I have autonomic dysfunction.

secondtry profile image

If it stays up you might look at improving your breathing e.g. new book 'Breath' by James Nestor and/or Patrick McKeowan Oxygen advantage - this is supposed to help BP

Barny12 profile image

As CDreamer has said it sounds as though it needs further investigation. But a food that is known to help reduce BP is a tablespoon or two each day of flax seed:

"Potent antihypertensive action of dietary flaxseed in hypertensive patients"

Angiespider profile image

Thanks for comments, taking no on a home monitor that is correct, also had it done at surgery, doc has no idea why risen, says sometimes theres no reason rather than just go on meds to bring it down I want to find the cause, I also have had terrible side effects from normal meds, it is a last resort

The single most effective thing you can do is to drastically cut sodium intake according to a book I read.

See this article from Mayo Clinic for more info:

I have tried 5 different blood pressure medications that caused me severe adverse reactions without doing anything for my BP, and they all made the AFib worse. I told my cardiologist I would rather die from high BP than suffer the side effects of the drugs, so he agreed to treat me naturally. Please keep in mind that I have an MTHFR gene mutation that makes detoxing very difficult, so prescription drugs have a heightened effect, even in low doses, and are very slow to leave my body. My cardiologist recommended Hibiscus tea (no more than 3 cups per day due to its diuretic effect), 325mg of Grapeseed Extract daily and 1500 mg of celery seed extract in divided doses for BP.

It has worked like a charm to bring my BP down to 120/80 from 165/90 since mid June. My wife and son were already using this combination and I just was too pig headed to listen to them. But, of course once the cardiologist gave his blessing. I was onboard too.

He also said absolutely NO SUGAR. Period. Full stop.

The other natural products on the list he gave me include apple cider vinegar before every meal, which has definitely helped me with the gastro-cardiac connection.

He also recommended Cinnamon and bitter melon for blood sugar control and hawthorne for improved circulation.

He recommended using lots of basil, cardamon, guava, garlic, ginger in cooking for their nutrients, anti inflammatory properties and antioxidant components.

I am also to drink lots of decaffinated Green Tea daily for the EGCG component that reduces inflammation.

Angiespider profile image
Angiespider in reply to

Thank you for that, I have screenshotted your reply, I was the same, terrible side effects, I will def try what you are taking, i have been taking beetroot and garlic, i dont have sugar as such but have indulged in a bit more chocolate over lockdown, thank you so much for your advice x

Angiespider profile image
Angiespider in reply to

Thank you for that, I have screenshotted your reply, I was the same, terrible side effects, I will def try what you are taking, i have been taking beetroot and garlic, i dont have sugar as such but have indulged in a bit more chocolate over lockdown, thank you so much for your advice x

in reply to Angiespider

I asked him about beetroot because I had read about it, but he does not like the high sugar content.

I am allowed one square of 88% dark chocolate. I rarely indulge because I am a milk chocolate lover and find the 88% too bitter for my tastes. But, my wife has loved really dark chocolate since she was a kid, so she eats it daily.

Angiespider profile image
Angiespider in reply to

I love dark choc so am moving on to this, sugar content in beetroot ?? I take the juice or capsules... a few months ago was at my daughters ante natal clinic, she has kidney disease so has to keep BP down, the consultant said, we have heard good reviews about beetroot and are thinking of trying this as opposed to general medicine, maybe not the pickled varieties for you but maybe try juice ??

in reply to Angiespider

The beetroot powder they sell in the US has 4-6 grams of carbs per teaspoon and some have added sugar and are even higher! That would eat into my limit of carbs for the day for sure since the doctor said it would take 3-4 servings of it daily to really do any good.

Most of the sugar produced in the US comes from beets, since most of our sugar cane fields were decimated by disease.

I live in a town called Sugar Land. At one time it was home to the oldest sugar producing factory in the US. When all the local fields were infected, they took to bringing in sugar cane by the trainload and produced Imperial Sugar here for many years. Then when the cane got too expensive they started using beets. When the demand for sugar dropped, the plant closed and the property has been redeveloped.

Beets are not on my diet per my cardiologist. 13 grams of carbs per beet.

If you ever get the chance watch the 1974 movie The Sugar Land Express produced by Stephen Spielberg and starring Goldie Hawn. It was filmed here. The big plantation house in the movie really was the warden's house at our state prison. At one time it was all planted with Sugar Cane. The state closed the main prison and sold off the land for development. Sadly, they tore down the plantation house.

Angiespider profile image
Angiespider in reply to

Hi, are you talking sugar beet or beetroot, I am in the uk, as far as I'm aware our beetroot capsules are sugar free but will check, we also have pure beetroot juice, gona check out that film x

in reply to Angiespider

There does not have to be any added sugar for a substance to still contain carbs. If it has carbs in its natural state, it may still contain them after processing.

You have to remember that carbs turn into sugar during digestion. As soon as you put a carb into your mouth it starts the conversion because most people are fueled by glucose. Those on keto aim to transition the body from running on glucose to running on ketones. Our ancestors were metabolically capable of running on either, depending on what food they could get their hands on. In the summer as they foraged for berries, fruit and root vegetables, they ran on glucose. In the months when all they had was an animal they killed, then they ran on ketones. We seemed to lose that ability when we transitioned to eating so many carbs.

Stick a bite of potato or bread on your tongue and it will shortly taste sweet because the enzymes in saliva start breaking down the carbs into glucose.

I know my wife had a devil of a time getting her diabetic parents to understand the concept of carbs. They thought just not eating table sugar was enough and continued chowing down on bread, potatoes, pasta and drinking orange juice etc. and wondered why had a difficult time controlling blood sugar. It did not help that they were on statins, which increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as making it hard to control blood sugar for those who already are diabetic.

Having a Board Certified Nutritionist as one of our practitioners has made the world of difference in our understanding of how the food we eat impacts our body. He was a Godsend when the Celiac issue reared its head in our family in 2007, and got us back on the path to health with nutrient and genetic testing and then prescribing targeted nutrients for each of us.

Call them what you like, a beet is also called beet root and has 13 grams of carbs. Sugar beets are the lighter colored beet that they turn into white sugar and have about the same carb content.

Angiespider profile image
Angiespider in reply to

Right, I was unaware of this, will check out, thank you

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