I have noticed over the past few months that my blood pressure has fallen. Many of the readings seem almost ideal, but some of them are definitely on the very low side-I had one yesterday of 88/55 which is definitely too low. I don’t know what might have caused this. I take 100mg of Losartan daily and a typical reading before the drop would be something like 125/75. I am wondering if the fact that I am sitting much more than usual and have lost a bit of weight during lockdown has something to do with it. Any thoughts?
Low blood pressure: I have noticed over... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Low blood pressure
Hi, mine sometimes goes that low, first thing in the morning after my beta blocker. I drink half a pint of water, raise my feet and back up it comes.

Are you drinking plenty of water ?
No. I drink a fair bit of white tea, but almost water. So I will be addressing this as several people have mentioned it.
I was told, in hospital, that lack of fluids can take your blood pressure down. Try drinking more water.
Yes, several people have mentioned this, so I will need to increase my intake. I have also been told that if you are sitting around a lot (because of lockdown) that can make blood pressure drop. Thanks.
Same here - my cardiologist told me that the minimum water intake should be around 2 litres, not counting tea etc. I also have to ensure I take enough salt otherwise my readings would be similar to yours.
I must admit I -until today- I drank almost no water at all, just a lot of white tea. I have drunk quite a lot of water this morning and my blood pressure reading was ok. I will monitor it for a week and hopefully this will improve things. Thanks for the info-I had no idea you needed to drink 2 litres daily.
You say that your BP has fallen over the past few months. This is a clear indication that it is time to review your BP medication.
It is quite normal for your BP to cycle over time.
I personally would stop taking the pill as I have no underlying condition to have to keep taking it.
If you were given it to aid failing kidneys or heart problems then phone 111 for instruction to halt or halve it.
Hi Samazeuilh,
ref low blood pressure: in the instructions of my blood monitor its states> Normal blood pressure is > Systolic below 130 and Diastolic below 85. My average blood pressure is usually about 127/ 60 with a pulse of around 42. that said about an hour ago I got back from my morning power walk and just tested my blood pressure and it is 117/60 with a pulse of 55. bit strange that as I have never recorded a pulse rate so high . but best check with a health professional. I am not the least bit qualified and lack experience of health issues that is until the last 2 years having been really fit and well all my life.
Keep well
White tea relaxes your blood vessels therefore lowering your blood pressure so if you are drinking a lot ........
Where would one procure white tea leaves or are you implying that milk when added to tea reduces BP?
‘White tea’ is made from very young leaves which have white down on them and is less processed than green or black. It is reputed to have many health giving properties but is definitely good for the cardiovascular system - I got all this from Healthline if you are interested. I’ll be opening the box I’ve got tomorrow! You can get it anywhere you would normally buy tea.
You need to speak to your GP, as the low blood pressure could adversely affect your kidney function and, probably your blood oxygen level too. With blood pressure that low, be careful about standing up from sitting.