Coronaviris : If self isolated for 1... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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7 Replies

If self isolated for 14 days because of coronaviris, when venturing back outside in the community are you at risk again?

7 Replies
Jalia profile image

Have you been tested and confirmed as covid 19? Otherwise it's really guesswork. My OH is coming to the end of self isolation but we don't know that it was The virus as he would not be tested unless admitted to hospital.

tunybgur profile image

I assume this is after a positive test for the virus.....the truth is nobody knows for certain, but if you have recovered from the virus you should have a good immunity from further infection, until of course the virus mutates and then we all start again....

in reply to tunybgur

Not diagnosed, but sore throat headache & cough.Better now. Husband asthma with flu symptoms bed rest fluids & medications .On the mend now.Just wondering.

Morzine profile image

Nobody knows as yet.....they don’t even know if we get total immunity.......I guess in time they will

philologus profile image

This may not be the case with coronavirus but: The Spanish Flu that started in late 1917 happened in three waves roughly six months apart and most of the deaths occurred in the second wave.

We need to do what we can to make sure our immune systems are strong.

Keep ourselves hydrated.

Take a multivit/mineral if appropriate.

Try to do some exercise.

Eat nutritious food - not junk.

Above all - keep a positive attitude.

This might sound a bit odd and controversial but there is some evidence that EMF has a lot to do with this epidemic. (eg Wuhan was the first place to get full 5G coverage just before this outbreak - transmitters on nearly every building.)

The 5G signal has been shown to interfere with our blood's ability to take up oxygen.

Deaths are recorded as from pneumonia but the cough is a dry cough - no phlegm in the lungs - so how can it be pneumonia? There's a lot more about this on 'tinternet.

If it is true (and why risk it anyway) it will help if you earth yourself regularly in order to get rid of accumulated excess electricity in your body. Just half-an-hour a couple of times a day with your bare feet on grass, sand, concrete, etc will help but the longer you are earthed the better. Do it just before bedtime and you should sleep better too.

Take a chair out into the garden, take your shoes and socks off, put your feet on terra firma (The more firma the less terra :-) and have a cuppa -simples!


KMRobbo profile image

I would guess if you get covid and survive you will be immune to that strain, or else you would not get well! Problem is as we are not being tested you don't know what you had

. In South Korea they have drive through testing so you know it was covid so if you survive your two weeks locked away you know yiu have had it so you are immune to that strain and can do what you want . Much better idea than the UK has. The people who had it can get back to work

Madscientist16 profile image

Possibly. Experts are unsure if you make antibodies against Covid-19. There have been reports in the news that some have caught it twice. Practice social distancing and be sure to wash your hands.