14 days since A&E with AF and finally my heart rate is around 60 bpm although not totally regular. Advice and comment on here has been invaluable mainly in reducing my anxiety which I am certain is my AF trigger. Im no expert but I encourage sufferers to just talk and seek reassurances and hopefully this will help .
Anxiety: 14 days since A&E with AF and... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Anxiety is horrible especially as it goes hand in hand with AF
Yeah, last Tues got so worked up I was very confused. Couldn't remember texting my mate or conversations id had with my wife. Was awful !
Unfortunately anxiety is one of the symptoms of being in AF, but being aware of that has helped me in the past to ignore it
I was diagnosed with PAF in 2008 following a particularly intense and stressful period in my life. I was medicated and then in 2013 had a successful ablation and all was well until a year ago when I had one isolated bout of AF. Since the coronavirus outbreak and the related saturation of news, I too have experienced crippling anxiety, especially as at 65 I suppose I'm considered "vulnerable" and still work in a social day care setting (further risk). Sure enough, as sleepless night follows day I suffered a period of AF, the first since the one previously mentioned. I completely concur with your assertion that anxiety is a significant trigger for AF and share your view that this site is invaluable for seeking and sharing experiences, suggestions and reassurances.
Incidentally I wonder if, like me, you find that your anxiety can cause severe indigestion which in turn can lead to AF. This has been the case for me on the two occasions mentioned.