After been on bisoprolol for two years i found it making me breathless tired no energy and panicing anxiety. Been redusing dosage from 5mg to 3.75mg then 2.5 mg then 1.25mg . I seem to have withdrawel symptoms each time i dropped a dose. Been doing this for 9 weeks and wont seem to get better. Does anyone one have a solution to this.
Reducing bisoprolo: After been on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Reducing bisoprolo

With hindsight, asking your GP to switch you to another betablocker like Nebivolol might have been a better move. Best to return to your GP for further advice.
I’m sorry Colin but we are not medically trained therefore unable to help regarding making changes to prescribed medication but hopefully you are doing this with the help and guidance of your Doctor. Bisoprolol is known for causing the side effects you describe in some people and there are alternative betablockers available and currently, Nebivolol seems to attract good reports. Also there are calcium channel blockers such as Diltiazem which do a similar job but in a different way. Bisoprolol is generally the first choice of GP’s because they are low cost and can be very successful for many but you may have to seek the help of an EP (Cardiologist specialising in arrhythmias) to enable a change. It all depends on how cooperative your GP is likely to be......also, higher doses of Bisoprolol are not normally recommended for anyone currently with or with a history of asthma

Thank you for your reply,i have emphacemia and when i was put on to bisprolol 2 years ago looking back my beathing got worse. Saw a doctor 10 weeks ago and she has told me to reduced my dosage as iwas so out of breath. while iam now on the lowest dose cut 1.25 in half but just feeling as if i cant get back right ,2 weeks ago i was fine after getting on to 1.25 then cut 5hat in half and now just seem to take 3 steps forward then 6 back. Should after what u say about not taking it if you are asmatic should i have been given it . I was given it causr 2 years a go hah bad chest infection then pulse raced to 170 hospital put me on it to get it down . Stayed on ever since no heart problems . Just wondered if anyone has or is still suffering withdrawel symptoms.
It is not unusual to have withdrawal symptoms on reducing the dose especially if you have been on it for some time. The answer to this could be to wean off more slowly and certainly not to go from 1.25 to nothing. I am weaning off Bisoprolol at the moment and am down to . 625mg. I stayed on each new dose a month and cut tablets up to get in between doses. I started at a lower dose than you but I have been ok doing this. My next move will be to .4mg then every other day before stopping .Ask your GP about this but do not be surprised if they say it is ok to just stop after 1.25mg. The last time I weaned off Bisoprolol my cardiologist said I could just stop taking the 1.25 mg but I preferred to reduce it more slowly. Not everybody reacts the same to dosage reduction.
Thank you for this . Every bit of imformation helps. Thank you.
I had the same problem on metoprolol. I was changed to carvedilol and breathing is much better. I also have a lot more energy!
Thanks for the tip.
I was prescribed Bisoprolol but I suffered tiredness and swollen ankles. I told my Cardiologist that I was reluctant to continue taking it. I asked if I could take it as and when I had an episode of Atrial Flutter, and he did not oppose this. So I take one x 2.5 if required. No side effects so far.
Thank you.