For the first week or two, after using the ‘follow’ option I received automatic updates/feed. Of late this has stopped and I have to go back and reselect the forum de novo each time. Any solutions out there?
Help with using this forum: For the... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Help with using this forum

What bit of kit do you use to access the Forum? Laptop, i-pad, smart phone? I always use a laptop and haven't experienced any problems of late though there have been a couple of occasions in the past when I have had to log onto the Health Unlocked site again. I have wondered whether this may have coincided with an Operating System update, but don't know for sure.
I think people have reported problems fairly recently when using a smart phone.
Hi. I am using an iPhone and having the same problem. Keep getting an ‘oops’ message for page not found and then have to login again. Wondering whether this is down to an iOS update or possibly the survey that pops up repeatedly!

I always used to get daily email advice of any posts but about a year ago that stopped and now I have to go to bookmarks and read them there. This is a problem with my mail provider I think since the advices are still there if I actually go into my google mail rather than just open my internet mail.
I suspect Bob has it - I use both App & web versions BUT don’t have any Google or Yahoo accounts - they are notorious for security leaks and I have noticed the new iOS updates have prevented me from accessing HU in any form from an unsecured server - we have been travelling so been using open networks along the way.