Well I said I would let you guys know what happened at my office follow up with my EP on Wednesday. I had a chest xray and an EKG before seeing EP. Had lots of questions for him about if there was any changes with my lungs and the PNI I was left with after the ablation. That my shortness of breath was worse than before and all month since. Also had been A-fib most of the month. Was told my lungs looked some better and it was just going to take time to get back to normal. I am questioning that though after reading what others have written. He felt I should come in for another cardio version tomorrow and felt it would help me stay out of A-fib and stay in rhythm due to the ablation been done last month. I feel like all I can do is turn it over to God and my EP. And hope for the best and good results. My procedure is at 10 am. So if there are any other AF people that would want to pray for good results I would appreciate it. Thanks and have good evening.
Returning for a 2nd cardio version to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Returning for a 2nd cardio version tomorrow 10/20/2017.

I have had numerous cardioversions and have always felt significantly better afterwards.
I hope it all goes well for you.
Have you considered having one of the special Medtronic ICDs (sort of like a pacemaker) fitted that detects you are in AF and if it remains that way after a set time it gives your heart a shock to kick it back into rhythm. Might be simpler than having to arrange 'numerous' cardioversions.
I think that it will not shock to cardiovert af only dangerous arrhythmias. It only detects af.
Hmm - looks like that one does as you say - I didn't read it well enough.
But they definitely exist - see heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditio...
"If an abnormal heart rhythm is detected the device will deliver an electric shock to restore a normal heartbeat if your heart is beating chaotically and much too fast."
These cardioversions I had were over a period of 20+ years.
I have also had ablations that currently have left me AF and Atrial Tachycardia free.
That's good news. But surprised it took 20 years to get to the ablations.
How many ablations have you had? That scares me since I had mine and I had the PNI injury and has caused me more difficult breathing. I know my EP says it will heal itself it still makes me nervous.
Good morning Jessie
Glad your cardioversion went well.
I have had so many cardioversions I cannot remember exactly how many but a rough guess is around 20. There has been no perceptible adverce consequences.
I have also had 7 ablations so have no more room for my “I’ve been brave” stickers.
The cardioversions were over a period of more than 20 years but in every case it was considered necessary as were the ablations.
We are all different and everyone should always remember this.
I am currently AF free since I was given an ablation for Atrial Tachycardia 8 weeks ago and I am feeling a lot better than I have for a long time.
I still get ectopics occasionally but I am hoping that I will now have a calm heart at last.
Well Pete yes you have all the stickers you need and hope you don't need anymore. You sound like the man to ask about this. Have you ever had any problem after the version with your back or maybe rib area being sore. I don't remember this this from the last time, but I have not done anything to pull out or lift something and it was not hurting before I went in yesterday. I have been up 3 times during the night because of it. I just go up to take some Tylenol hoping to catch a break. I have never seen this on anyone's blog so maybe it is all in my head. I checked out symptoms after a version and nothing like that came up. Any ideas or have you heard of anyone else having such a problem? It is on my left side.
Hello Jessie
Yes I have had these problems sometimes after a cardioversion.
If you think about it they are passing a DC current into your body via the pads that are stuck to your back and your chest. These often cause minor burns around the pad.
They are so minor that they normally begin to stop stinging the second day and normally are no longer seen after a few days.
Maybe some soothing antisecptic cream or similar will make if feel better for you.
I don't think you will even be aware of it very soon.
Thinking abut you, and do let us know how you get on. Best wishes.
Hop it will work for you, all the best
I have just read your post and it is 10.30 so I hope it is now all over and you are feeling somewhat better. Don't give up hope, if you read my posts you will see I have had a long bumpy journey with AF but am now back in sinus rhythm 8 months after my 3rd ablation and God willing hoping to stay there. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you so much. Yes done and at home. Feeling good right now except for having some burning on my chest like I stayed out in the sun to long. Hoping for a longer success rate this time. I have not read your journey, but want to. I am still new on knowing how to move around on this site. I guess I can just look up your name cbsrbpm and find you?
Hi Jessiemom, thinking of you and sending love and prayers for peace in your heart and mind - and for great results.
Not sure what time your procedure equates to here in the UK (by 'EKG' I'm guessing you're from the USA?) but be sure your AF friends everywhere are thinking of you and wishing you well. Xxx
How kind JaneFinn for your kind words. Yes I am in the USA. LOL So the EKG gave me away ? Yes I am home and the version went well and am in rhythm again. A little tired and my chest feels like I got a sunburn, but otherwise I think I am breathing better. Not sure since having the ablation last month breathing was so bad due to the PNI, Fingers crossed for this version to hold me strong in rhythm.