I'm on my third day of my heart beating out of rhythm and fast. I've taken all my normal medication and that hasn't helped. I'm 200 miles from home. I feel a bit out of sorts and this is the third time I've woken up tonight. Should I go to the local A and E because whhen I've been before they haven't done anything apart from an ECG.
Day 3 of AF: I'm on my third day of my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Day 3 of AF

Paul hey go back to A&E they should put a drip up straigh away with Meds in it to get you back to normal sinus Rythem. That's what they did for me when I first had AF. It took 12 hours to get my pulse back to normal. I then had to go see a Cardiologist who sorted me out & put me on to beta Blockers & a good blood thinner. Get to Hospital as soon as possible my friend
Let's know Paul how you go.
Good luck.
Robyn 🇦🇺 xx
Hi PaulDB , I would go if I were you, if only because your anxiety about it creates a viscous circle and your heart rate won't go down if you're getting upset.
Even if they just take an ECG it'll be a comfort to know that you've been seen by health professionals and that'll put your mind at rest.
Anyway, I swear they pipe something into the air in the cubicles in those places so that you relax as soon as you lie down!
All the best.
Yes, go to A&E - the sooner the better. I am all for not making a fuss but know when you need to go.
- if episode lasts more than 24 hours
- if heart rate exceeds or gets close to 200
- if you start feeling ill
- if there is any pain
If you want any advice then go through the 111 service - I found them very good and they didn't mess around - after you trawl through the inevitable questions.
Let us know how you get on.
I'll call 111. I'm on bisoprolol and apixaban .
Paul if you go - make sure you ask for a copy of the ECG - if they won't give it as they sometimes get a wee protective - ensure that your GP gets a copy and that YOU get a copy of the letter that goes to your GP. If nothing else you then have evidence to go back to your specialist and say - this ain't working - what's the next step?
agree with all the above- let us know how you get on
Do not do this alone but a quick fix explained to me by a retired GP with AF sit down and apply pressure (hard pressure) to the carotid artery on the right side of your neck. Sitting down because it restricts blood flow and you will feel dizzy. For me it works resetting to normal almost immediately as in 160 BPM down to 70 in a single beat. Good luck it's a good holiday fix and you can use it as often as required. Dr's will not tell due to the risk of passing out. When the LAS say do what ever you do to get it down they mean this but are not allowed to suggest it. BUT THERE IS A RISK OF PASSING OUT SO BE WITH A FRIEND WHEN DOING THIS
When my hubby had this they said it was high bp to start with - told him to go back to Gp and eventually had to apologise as it was AF! The chap used ice on his carotoid artery to get back to normal and he was put on drip for several hrs as mentioned above. He had 2 ablations and is now fine bit it took 10 yrs to sort out - I agree go to A & E straight away and dont take no for an answer! 111 take too long to answer calls!
Good luck
Let us know how it goes.
I've been to A and E. In and out in 30 minutes. Heart rate is about 80 but all over the place. They told me not to worry as as long as its not over 100 (which it was) I'll be ok. So now I'm sat in the pub 😊
I was also told to drink lots of water if my BPM is high, no one told me that before and I know I don't drink much during the day.
Hi Paul
I think I would be asking for a second opinion if your BP has been over 100. If my hubby hadnt perservered and asked triage woman who eventually let him see doc, and who had to apologise whilst at A & E all those years ago, goodness knows where we would be now! They make out thst AF is nothing to worry about, but it can cause a stroke in serious cases we were told. Thank God he had his second ablation which worked. The whole thing took 10 yrs to sort in his case which meant he had to retire early,and 10 years of his life spent feeling ill. Dont understand why they told you not to worry if it was over 100.
They said only worry if my bpm was over 100. Usually for me my resting rate is between 70 and 80.
Paul when I was in permanent AF (for approximately 9 months) my resting rate was between 80-90, they consider this to be manageable if you are not experiencing any symptoms. I would get lightheaded and breathless over trivial things e.g. a stairclimb. Not sure of your history or treatment but it might be worth considering ablation? I went for this option and wouldn't hesitate to do it again if/when required.
Hi Paul Gillyflower here if you have 5 mins later on today read health unlocked I have only just put it on there but thaught you might like to read my ramblings!