Is it ok to take Decafinated tea and coffee or will this also trigger AF.
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Tea & Coffee

I do with no problems.
and so do I....also with no problem......not wishing to stir up a long debate, I recall a well regarded and respected clinician stating at the AF Assoc patients day 2 years ago, that there was no real evidence that caffeine, in either coffee or tea, had any affect on AF. He may well be right, but I think a lot people just feel more comfortable going for the decaffinated version!!!
I used to drink decaffeinated coffee but it didn't make any difference so now enjoy full caffeine but not too strong. Then again I know what my triggers are ( usually) and it's not caffeine.

Yatsura, I am so jealous!! I miss my coffee!
Hi Mass70;
My understanding of caffiene's effect is to increase adrenaline in the body and thereby it's action on the heart. It's a no no for me, as along with Afib I also have bouts off sinus tachycardia. My heart is super sensitive to adrenaline, so even the small amounts of caffeine present in decaf would probably be too much.
I guess you would need to determine if adrenaline is one of your triggers?
I've switched to decaff tea and coffee, although be careful if caffeine is one of your triggers as many 'decaff' varieties still contain some caffeine. I've found I'm fine having one or two full strength coffees, but it depends on the day. If it's a stressful time then it's decaff all the way.
I looked into de can and as there is still some caffeine present have not taken it- caffeine is a definite trigger as I found to my cost!!
I drink only decaf tea but have one cup of freshly ground coffee each morning without any problems so far. As caffeine is a stimulant, I suppose it is something we need to test for ourselves. Then there is the debate about how decaffination is achieved and the potential for health risk in that process . . . . . .
I drink loads of both in decaf form without any problem.
But I can tolerate some caffeine coffee or tea as long as it's not too much.I will sometimes drink caffeine deliberately, like before a game of golf, doesn't bother me.
I used to have decaf but my husband has the real stuff and more than once he has given me the real stuff, ... and so has a cafe! Palpitations all round.. it was awful! I definitely have a problem with caffeine, it also has a strong diuretic effect which is not good.
I just drink Rooibos tea plus a few herbals - no stimulants at all.
All the best.
I drink decaf tea and coffee with no problems and have done so for many years. I've heard it said that the chemicals used to extract the caffeine from these beverages aren't good for people in general, but nothing specific to AF.
Very individual, only way to find out is to try it. If you get a reaction it is going to be within moments of drinking,
All I would say is that there is often a fair amount of caffeine in decaffeinated coffee. I found that instant coffee affected me more than a good quality freshly ground bean. I sometimes use decaffeinated but only the type which is naturally decaffeinated and/or processed with spring water, not chemicals.
Also always take with a high fat milk or ghee, this tip I got from my nutritionist who is also a coffee officialdo. Evidently it helps the body process the good bits of coffee.
I now always take with full fat milk - it made a huge difference as I always drank black coffee before - I limit myself to one a day but that is better than deprivation!
I also bless the ablation as before I couldn't take any caffeine content, anyhow, including Coke, tea or (worst of all) chocolate.
As expences has said rooibos/redbush tea is an alternative as it is naturally caffeine free. I drink mostly decaff tea but have slight doubts about how wise this is. How much caffeine is there and how reliably was it extracted? I know someone who refuses to use tea bags that are white. It's really hard to buy presents for her or cook her a meal because she has suspicions about all sorts of things. I think drinking stewed tea of any sort may be a bad idea.
If I'm out I tend to drink peppermint tea. I try to drink two or three mugs of hot water every day.
I start the day with a cup of proper caffeinated loose leaf tea because I don't see why AF should totally rule my life. As an alternative I drink chai - which comes in white tea bags.
I used to like coffee very much but whenever I have it I wish afterwards that I had not done so and it is years since I last had any.
Since what seems to trigger AF one time doesn't do so the next time, what is the point of cutting out everything. I live my life, drink my coffee (caffeinated) every day, have an occasional cocktail, and eat what I want. I don't find that coffee ever brings on AF. It's a mongrel condition and many things, and NOTHING, can trigger it. We all need to learn to live with it!
I came off of caffeine about every 8 months ago and it's definitely worth doing as I seemed to get less palpitations now and less headaches.
Decaf tea and coffee are ok but decaf cola is another story..... It's terrible.
I do drink some caffeinated coffee and tea but mostly decaffeinated nespresso coffee pods that are great. I drink tea so weak I think it doesn't make any difference. Not had this thing for long enough to be sure about coffee. I think caffeinated affects me if it is very strong. Controlled experimenting is probably the way forward.
Since my PAF became persistent I have no problems with caffeinated coffee or tea....every cloud!
This dandelion stuff is amazing and comes in many flavors. You dunk it like a teabag and it is very near to coffee in taste.
I get mine off Amazon.