As we approach the Christmas season, what's is the advice on drinking? I only have the odd glass of red wine / champagne with a meal etc any advice please.
Drinking alcohol with AF: As we... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Drinking alcohol with AF

Impact of alcohol different for everyone. Some abstain some have in moderation. Binge drinking not an option. I personally find an odd drink fine. I just take my time with it and enjoy it. Worth remembering alcohol dehydrates you so drink plenty of water too. Just check with your drugs too - warfarin says no more than two units daily and you can't save up units for a good session! Enjoy Christmas!

Thanks for the reply

I agree with Hidden. Personally, I always take a bottle with "Mix written on it" with me when I'm going to someone else's home, along with a normal bottle of wine. My mix is low or non alcoholic wine mixed the a portion of real wine like 2/3's low and a 1/3 real. You could go lower, but the mix is much more satisfying. Try it; you may like it. Merry Xmas.
I suppose for alcohol, as with everything else, moderation is the answer.
If your AF can tolerate the odd glass - great. I'm one of the AFers who cannot drink any alcohol without my heart going nuts (even de-alcoholised wine made ectopics worse).
Have a good Christmas and enjoy your wine/champagne.

Generally speaking if you have AF and alcohol is a trigger then avoid like the plague. We are all different. When I had AF I never touched it but since ablation have the odd glass of vino without problems.
After stopping drinking 2 months ago due to a gastric bypass op 18/11/16, my flutters have stopped completely . My next drink is allowed in June 17!!
Might give it up forever now.
I've drunken fairly heavily on 50 mg of Flecainide twice daily and haven't gone into AF. I don't think alcohol is my trigger as I developed it from a bad reaction to some medication.
I am reduced to the odd glass of red wine. My favourite, a Gin and Tonic, is a total no no. White wine and beer, also out. Just great eh.....
Hi there
I am of the ilke that you still have to enjoy life. You cannot keep putting your life on hold for AF. I want to do so much in life still but again AF holds me back. Yes we are coming up to Christmas so just please remember that Alcohol does quicken the heart and thins your blood but also a glass or two of whatever you fancy, does not hurt depending if you have other symptoms. I have just had an ablation and reading through the consultants report I probably will need a further one. There was so much to take in of what they had done and I did not realise just how poorly I was. I just laugh everything off in life and when its your time, its your time and there is nothing you can do about it you have to go. In the meantime just enjoy life and if your older enjoy what time you have left. I did not have open heart surgery. The Consultants and hospital were excellent and worked quite hard on me, I can't thank them enough. All I can say is DO NOT be frightened they are there to help. I had a procedure that involved, I think it was electrodes and they burnt everything away, they entered my body through my Femoral Artery in my groin, nothing to worry about, just do as they say and you will be fine. A 45 minute operation took them 4 hours on me, because I had so much wrong that needed fixing. I was fine because I had heavy sedation and I was out for the count but recovered much more quickly. Everyone is different and everyone has other problems with AF so depending on what else you have, if anything, a glass or two should not alter anything significantly. Just check your medication especially if your on warfarin. Someone I know has oodles to drink and she has AF, I have had this for some years so I was able to speak to her in depth about it as it is new to her. So have a very Good Xmas! Hope it turns out well and fears are allayed!