Does anyone have af / palpations along with stomach problems ?
Stomach pains and Af: Does anyone have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Stomach pains and Af

You don't actually say what stomach problems. But, yes, in my early days with AF I identify the onset of an AF event with food I'd eaten. Symptoms were mostly, massive, painful bloating, diahorrea, v loud intestinal gurgling, wind/flatulence, burping. Not all at the same time, usually any one at random, unpredictable, but most common was the bloating which I could feel putting pressure on in my chest.
All the time specially when I eat food I should avoid. I know I am sensitive to MSG, amines and Fodmap food. Eating them will cause bloating, pain, indigestion . Very often this will trigger PAF.
Yes, I do. Have had a lifelong problem with stomach soreness. A low fibre diet has helped, but I still get flare ups.
Me too. I tend to have fruit, toast and tea for breakfast. I read somewhere that fruit and bread should not be eaten at the same time. Now I have fruit and yogurt for breakfast and if I fancy toast wait at least 30 minutes. It has helped a lot. Still need to watch big meals and junk food.
Ps it may just be the live yogurt so an easy experiment.
Yes, definitely a very strong connection between digestion and AF.
Hi Neil, yes due to the Vagus Nerve I'm pretty sure there is a direct link.
I have dealt with (I hope) all other issues affecting AF but still working on getting my good gut bacteria right. Slowly I am improving and I suspect the uncomfortable anxiety type feelings are down to the stomach issue not the AF which is secondary - I had almost forgotten what normal feels like. Any way, the stomach is so important and central it should have a priority regardless of AF. What has started to help me is taking advice from Alternative Practitioners based on chinese eating incl more seasonal produce e.g. not exotic fruit from hot countries in winter.
Good luck.
What is the Chinese eating advice? Although I love Chinese style cooking I stick with a very bland diet.
I suffer from PAF and chronic gastritis which is delaying my ablation procedure. I have tried every prescription acid reducing medication but so far none have been effective. I also eat a very bland diet. Due to visit the Gastroenterologist again next month and really do hope that he can help with this very uncomfortable condition. I also need reassurance to proceed with the ablation as my PAF episodes are now daily.
Yes , I do. I have a vagal atrial fibrillation and that is connected with heartburn and eating. Sometimes in the evening after the meal ( light meal) I get pain in my esophagus, being nauseated, bloated , gassy etc. If it is very bad I get AF which I would have to diminish by taking one Verapamil. Otherwise I am taking propafenone which is similar to Flecaneide. ( sp?)