Has anyone noticed a change in poo co... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Has anyone noticed a change in poo colour since being on Warfarin? For example occasional black colourisation.
Hi Harry and welcome to the forum.
I would go and have a chat with your doctor, I have certainly not noticed that, and I would be concerned that it might indicate some internal bleeding (not too bad by the sound of it) but nevertheless in my opinion needs investigation.
I have certainly noticed that I am slightly more constipated with warfarin, not troublingly so, but noticeable.
Good luck, and feel free to come back and ask any questions at any time
Try taking Magnesium then Ian. That should help you go. Seriously I agree that Harry should see the doctor about possible bleeding. Any blood in stools is a bad thing..
Black is not good, see the doctor who put you onto warfarin
Well....whilst we are on the subject..since AF kicked in and I have been on Warfarin and Bisoprolol, I have (as they say in hospital) moved my bowels regularly, every day. Before, it was probably every three days or so. Bit on the loose side but I'm happy with that! I would agree with others - any blackness and it's off to the doctor - just to be sure.
Check with your GP. It is possible to have some internal bleeding. Is the INR levels good? Maitha, that is possible. If you strain to pass noxious substance. I have noticed that myself, more aware of the heart rhythm.
Strongly agree, Vivante. Straining is not good for me and causes giddiness at times. Seems to make the heart work harder. And don't feel shy, Maitha - it's just another part of the body and function.