Wolfe Mini-Maze Surgical Procedure - Atrial Fibrillati...

Atrial Fibrillation Support

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Wolfe Mini-Maze Surgical Procedure

Larry2 profile image
19 Replies

Wondering if anyone on the site has had this procedure done and, if so, what sort of success they've had?

I have had three ablations for paroxysmal a-fib and, while I'm a heck of a lot better than pre ablations, it seems the ectopic beats and occasional episodes of a-fib are reoccurring. I have Lone a-fib (the ticker is fine structurally) and, at 56 work out nearly every day. I've read where good results are being obtained using the mini maze surgical procedures for lone a-fib sufferers who have 'normal' hearts.

Love to hear of any feed back....thanks, Larry

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Larry2 profile image
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19 Replies
mumknowsbest profile image

Hi Larry

Firstly every one has ectopics whether they get AF or not, it is just that we afers seem to be more aware of what our hearts are doing. I believe about 200 a day is about the norm., So although they can be disturbing ectopics are really ok.

As to the Wolfe Mini-Maze procedure I have only ever met one person that has had it and she was thrilled by her results. Having said that, the moderators will know more than I do, but I don't think there are many people in UK that seem to do this procedure so you will need to check that out carefully.

Do remember that surgery is permament and therfore cannot be reversed even if you don't like the results

Good luck with your decisions

Larry2 profile image
Larry2 in reply to mumknowsbest

Thanks 'Mum' (haha). Since this post I've had another ablation and six months on all is well. Fingers crossed that I don't need to go that extra step. Cheers!!

Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to mumknowsbest

there are over 3000 in the US and over 2000 in Japan that have had a Wolf Mini Maze all in the past 17 years. To my knowledge and from what I have been told by both doctors is while they are constantly training other to do this surgery, they drop out half way through. It is a simple procedure which requires precision hand coordination, and lots of practice. Sad but true. For almost 2 decades, Dr. Wolf has been invited to many international heart conferences as both a speaker and keynote speaker and has presented his Wolf Mini Maze at these conferences.

jackdrum profile image

Hello Larry. Most mini maze procedures are not much more than ablations in their effectiveness of CURING atrial fibrillation. If you are really wanting to be cured, the gold standard in AF cures is still the full Maze procedure done by a very experienced surgeon, that applies the complete set of lesions that makes fibrillating impulses in the heart to be almost impossible.

I was cured by the full maze April 10 1998 and am still cured 15 plus years later. In most procedures it is on pump, but most do not open the sternum anymore.

It something that all considering a cure should check out completely by asking the surgeons that do this procedure, and people who have been there and done that.

There is much information available, but you have to spend the time to research it.

Best wishes and prayers. jackdrum

Larry2 profile image
Larry2 in reply to jackdrum

Thanks jackdrum, since this post I've had another ablation and six months on all is well. Yes, I agree with you, all my layman's readings/research comes to the conclusion that the 'old gold' full maze procedure is the one that provides the best long term outcomes. Fingers crossed that I don't need to go that extra step but, as you say, by this method the surgeon can perform the complete set of lesions necessary to eliminate the impulses.

Thanks again for your informed response Jack, all the best.

Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to jackdrum

Sorry, but the info you suggested is not completely true. The so called "gold standard" you are referring to was decades ago. I had a Wolf Mini Maze (WMM). This is NOT an open chest. This is NOT being on life support during surgery, which by the way is less than 2 hours. Lungs are NOT deflated. I am among the over 3,000 other people in the last 17+ years with 96% success rate. I was in AFIB 5-7x a week, HR from 160-200+, 3 - 30 consecutive hours, for over 6 years!!!! I refused the barbaric ablations after reading how many times people were having to do this. If I was going to do anything surgically it had to be a cure. This is a one and done minimally invasive procedure. I woke up from surgery on a Monday at 1pm in NSR, was discharged from the hospital the next day . Went back to roller skating, kick boxing, biking in under 2 weeks, was back flying our airplane in 5 weeks, then cliff jumping, jet skiing, scuba, wind surfing, and drinking many drinks with little tiny umbrellas in Cancun in 6 weeks. I have been in NSR since waking up. My mom, 87 yrs old had the WMM 3 weeks before me. She too is in NSR. I take no drugs, and no anticoagulants!There are 2 surgeons that do this procedure correctly, Dr. Wolf in Houston Texas, and Dr. Toshiya Ohtsuka in Japan. Read up on the Wolf Mini Maze and WHY it is so successful. I wish more doctors would learn how to do this all over the world. It is a complicated procedure requiring a skill set many other surgeons do not want to attempt.

Im delighted that you are in NSR it is truly wonderful!!!

Camille777 profile image

I know someone on here had the Wolfe procedure because that's how I found out about it. But I guess that post is gone. As I recall they were very pleased. I'm at my wit's end with the medical care I'm getting. The irony is I'm in Dallas, Texas & since Dr. Wolfe is in Houston, he has many disciples in Dallas who practice at a highly respected hospital. I wanted to get as much info as I could before I call Dr, Wolfe's office & get a recommendation in Dallas. I'm even willing to go to Houston to have the man himself do it, if I'm a good candidate. I wish there was more anecdotal info.

mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to Camille777

If you can find them in a search, there are more recent reviews here that are positive.

However, I would recommend you consult with a trusted cardiologist for their opinion, not necessarily one of Dr Wolfe's disciples. Some cardiologists do not prefer an invasive procedure if AF is being controlled by other means.

It seems the decision would depend on each individual's symptoms, prognosis, and quality of life.

Good Luck !

Camille777 profile image
Camille777 in reply to mav7

I'm on my 2nd cardiologist & when I brought up the Wolfe minimaze he had to google it. That's the kind of care I've gotten. 😫

mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to Camille777

Not good.

My concern about the Wolfe procedure is why it is not more widely used by others. Perhaps as I stated, some feel a less invasive procedure is best if symptoms are controlled.

You may want to try networking (google, forums, friends, etc) to receive some referrals for preferred cardiologists. Maybe a call to the UT SW Med School in Dallas. Or from your primary care physician Ask for a cardiologist who is experienced with treating AF.

Facebook has a forum for AF. I don't have the link handy and not sure it would be allowed by forum rules. It is more US centered as the good helpful folks here seem to be mostly from the UK.

AF seems to be a unique condition, no real cure, no one size fits all. I do have questions about my care but thankful the persistent AF is being controlled by metoprolol and Eliquis for stroke prevention. But like you, I do worry about the condition.

Lastly, it can be a mental challenge. Don't let AF control your life. Battle it with living as normal a life as possible. Keep in mind, of all the heart conditions it seems to be the least serious.

Hope you find care that meets your expectations.

Camille777 profile image
Camille777 in reply to mav7

Since most people on this forum are in the UK, that is probably why there isn't a lot about it on here. But you bring up a good point. In my area, each health system says they are cardiologist experts. UT Southwestern is known to be the gold standard of everything. lol My plan is to call the Houston office and get a referral to a doctor in Dallas. However, we are in Code Red for Covid, so I'm going to wait a bit. I'm on Eliquis, Toprol (brand name of metoprolol) & Lasix because I've had such good care, I now have minor heart failure. I feel fine, but I don't want to live with AF & a heart that isn't 100%, plus take medication with horrible side effects.

mav7 profile image
mav7 in reply to Camille777

Google for the forum link on Facebook. Sry, I don't have it as I am not on Facebook and sometime the content is limited. But from what I have seen, the Wolfe procedure is seldom mentioned.

We all have to make personal decisions about our health. Best of Luck to you !

Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to mav7


Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to Camille777

sorry you have had to deal with that type of care. Call Kimberly. Your gonna love Dr. Wolf!!!

Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to mav7

There are no disciples of Dr. Wolf. He would not and does not recommend any doctor other than one in Japan to perform this procedure. Cardiologist only know what they are will to learn and practice. A Wolf Mini Maze (WMM) is NOT invasive, it is NOT open chest, you are NOT put on a heart/lung machine, and it takes about 2 hours. This IS a one and done procedure with 96% success rate. I am the one that reported here last year with amazing results.

jackdrum profile image
jackdrum in reply to Bambi65

Hello all. I am one who had a Afib cure web site a long time, but I don't any more and I don't know think Carl Plasket is doing it now either. There is little or no information about the full maze procedure as Cr. Cox developed back in the 1980's. Dr. Geiss did my open heart maze in 1998, but he passed away in 2021. There could be, but don't know if anyone does the full maze with the removal of the left atrial appendage or not. Not sure if the wolf maze does that or not.

You all have a good day, and hope you all get rid of the afib what ever the procedure you get.

Jack Drum

Bambi65 profile image
Bambi65 in reply to Camille777

Hey Camille.... I was the person that was here with the excellent results from the Wolf Mini Maze. Call Dr. Wolf's office, 713-441-6290, talk with Kimberly. tell her you spoke with me, Bambi. In the mean time, get the "correct" information about this minimally invasive surgery. wolfminimaze.com/the-wolf-m...

johnMiosh profile image

I had the minimaze in Sheffield UK four years ago. This was part of a clinical trial; the report was delayed due to all research efforts being transferred to covid, but I understand it was to be very positive.

I am very happy with the procedure, I am pretty much back to normal, no AF, but I do get a few ectopics, both atrial and ventricular.

I believe that they are offering the procedure at Sheffield now the trial is complete.

Look up my previous posts, I put in a lot of detail at the time.

Not what you're looking for?

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