Dear people who also supplement, is anyone using annatto?
annatto? : Dear people who also... - Advanced Prostate...

First time I've heard of it. Looks very interesting, I'll add to my list of supplements that may kill prostate cancer cells.
Annatto is a plant. The seed and leaf are used to make medicine.
People take annatto for diabetes, diarrhea, fevers, fluid retention, heartburn, malaria, and hepatitis. They also use it as an antioxidant and bowel cleanser.
Annatto is sometimes put directly on the affected area to treat burns and vaginal infections and to repel insects.
In foods, annatto is used as a coloring agent.
How does work?
There isn't enough information to know how annatto works.
Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for...
Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia; BPH). Early research suggests that taking annatto 250 mg three times daily for 12 months does not improve symptoms of BPH.
Fluid retention.
Burns, when applied directly.
Vaginal infections, when applied directly.
As an insect repellent, when applied directly.
Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of annatto for these uses.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Early on I was taking this form of vit E , but stopped for what reason I don't remember. but maybe I should revisit taking it. The words" dose dependent" always confuse me as to how much or little to take.
This has a dose chart -
The excellent pjoshea13 posted on this 2 years ago.
“PCa research suggests that gamma tocotrienol is the isoform with the greatest PCa impact. The only attractive source (to me) is "Delta Gold" from annatto [2].
Yes, it is only ~10% gamma tocotrienol, but is ~90% delta tocotrienol, which has proven cardiovascular benefit. Men with PCa have a higher risk of CVD.”
I used a bag of ground annato 2020 to 2021, about a year. Lupron was controlling PSA, and it was hard to say what annato did (like black seed). But I have thought of trying another round since it's been a while. I used the ground seed, I believe.
TOMSD1: Thank you for enlightening me that annatto can be used as a supplement.
It is more frequently in my experience referred to as "achiote" or "axiote". Achiote is a very common spice/flavoring in certain Mexican dishes - Yucatan especially. Visit the Mayan Riviera and you will see it in nearly most restaurants. I see it mostly with chicken and pork. A very popular dish is pork marinated with an achiote/orange juice mix then wrapped in banana leaves and cooked in a grill over coals. Cochinita Pibil
I can't really see actually trying to use it as a supplement; however, I like achiote dishes and have bought ground achiote powder to use for home cooking. -- I think I will have them more regularly. One can also buy achiote in most grocery stores here in TX --- not sure if it would be equally available in other geographies.
As an incidental response to reading this, I also looked at internet references and found it is commonly used as a coloring agent in many on-food as well as food items. Food items mentioned were margarine and cheeses.