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Advanced Prostate Cancer

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woppaginny profile image
12 Replies

I updated my profile with a little more information.

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woppaginny profile image
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12 Replies
GSDF profile image

Friend, in my humble opinion based only my experience and research, you need to get yourself a competent Medical Oncologist who knows that you need more than Casodex. With a 3 digit PSA, I'd be very surprised if you aren't significantly metastatic. Fenbendazole is not going to do one iota of good for you at this stage of the game.... like trying to put out a raging fire with a squirt gun.... You need 1st line ADT such as Firmagon or Lupron along with one of the 2nd generation adts like Zytiga or Xtandi....

You can regain freedom from the throes of side effects from these drugs with dedicated and regular exercise, especially weight training....

My condition started off similar to yours and I'm doing so well, never thought I'd be so symptom and side effects free because of going to gym 3x a week....

woppaginny profile image
woppaginny in reply to GSDF

Thanks for you post to my question. My psa was 16 before I had the kidney stones which had to be removed surgically. At that time my psa went up to 119. I was treating myself with a regiment of vitamins and nutrients before the kidney stones and had bone scans and prostate MRI's twice a year since diagnoses. After surgery the psa shot up to 119 and I loss control of my psa. Doc put me on Casadex and when he did the psa dropped down to 13. I have had bone scans twice a year that come back clean, last bone scan was October 2022 that also came back clean. I get prostate MRI's twice a year keeping track of the cancer. So far it is still contained in the capsule. Last MRI was October 2022. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in August of 2016. I'm still fighting this my way because at present I do not want radiation or chemo. I have my reasons. The Urologist I had retired a couple months ago. He was a great doctor. I've seen oncologist who tried to tell me I should get radiation and chemo and turned them down. Made my urologist mad but he still worked with me. I see a new urologist in a couple months. Maybe I'm stupid but I just do not want chemo or radiation. I've seen what it can do to men who have it. I will go on 150 mg daily of Casodex to fight this disease. I research and study a lot about prostate cancer and treatments.

GSDF profile image
GSDF in reply to woppaginny

Whatever brother, I never mentioned chemo or radiation. ADT treatment is not destructive therapy.

woppaginny profile image
woppaginny in reply to GSDF

Not sure what ADT is, please inform me

fmenninger profile image
fmenninger in reply to woppaginny

Adt or hormonal therapy is considered a suppressor of pca. Killers would be radiation, chemo, nuclear med. treatments.

woppaginny profile image

Hormone therapy uf I remember right. Just never heard it call ADT

GSDF profile image

Androgen Deprivation Therapy ie: Lupron, Firmagon, Orgovyx, Eligard. There are also 2nd generation ADT drugs for when the 1st gen drugs listed above begin to fail, such as Zytiga and Xtandi.

Testosterone is an androgen that prostate cancer feeds on. The above ADT agents shut down the production of testosterone, thus shutting down the acceleration of spread (metastasis). You really need to see a Medical Oncologist. A urologist's field of practice is not going to serve you well at this point.

I am on Orgovyx (pill form of Firmagon) and Xtandi. I have absolutely zero side effects from either drug or the disease other than an occasional hot flash. This is due to joining AnyTime Fitness and going there 3x a week, doing strength training workouts lasting just 15-20 mins each visit. The off days I walk briskly for a mile getting my cardio system jacked up. I began the exercise protocol based on reading the success that many fellows on this forum had with it minimizing side effects from ADT treatment. I joined AnyTime one week before I took my first Firmagon shot a year ago when my PSA was 480. No stand alone "natural treatment" helped me prior to that including Fenbendazole.

The only other thing I do is watch every morsel of food that goes through my lips yet I'm not deprived of anything because whole, organic and living food is delicious. Old habits can be replaced with new and become routine in as little as 28 days.

Sounds crazy, but I've never known such good physical and mental health until I got stage IV prostate cancer. I was forced to stop all bad eating habits (which likely played a part in me getting the cancer in the first place), stopped over eating, began rigorous exercise, and combined these good common sense practices with the Standard of Care protocols prescribed by my oncology team. Perhaps the most crucial factor I added to my treatments was my re-connection with God, thus allowing myself time to pray and mediate daily.

Results are that as of today my PSA is steady at 2, I lost 40 lbs of waist-line belly fat, no more stiffness of joints which I've proven to myself was from lack of exercise. I feel better today at age 67 in every capacity than I did when I was 37 living life in the fast lane, drinking and eating everything that was not conducive to good health and always looking for the next level of "happiness" even though I had it all and never knew it.

Some men on this forum have exceeded 20 years of quality survival on ADT and other S.O.C. therapies. Each man is different and unique. But attitude is the straw that stirs the drink. I promised my wife I'd give her 10 more years but I may up that promise now to 20 years, the good Lord willing. I'm determined to die with prostate cancer, not from it.

Get to know this disease better, it's treatments and some of the success stories from the awesome bunch of fellows on this forum, like me, with the same determination and mindset.

Blessings to you friend!

tad4 profile image
tad4 in reply to GSDF

Well said, I agree with all you have said. Good luck and good management to all of us.

woppaginny profile image
woppaginny in reply to GSDF

Excellent post my friend. I have know of ADT as Hormone Therapy, never heard it called ADT. Thanks for the excellent Education on ADT. I will keep this information in mind. My one friend was put on Casadex when his cancer matastsized to his bones. His cancer went up to over 200. He was put on 150 mg daily of Casadex and his psa dropped to 6, has been 4 now for 5 months. His side effects were slim to none for 14 months. As I said my doctor says my cancer is still confined to the capsule but may have gone to a lymph note but not sure. I had a swollen lymph note before I was dignosed with cancer but it is not there any longer since taking Casadex ... so doc is not sure the swollen lymph note was from the prostate cancer. I'm going to talk to a oncologist in a couple months about all this. Thanks again for the education.

PSAed profile image
PSAed in reply to GSDF

Inspirational stuff! Thank you very much for sharing your programme.

Scout4answers profile image
Scout4answers in reply to GSDF

But attitude is the straw that stirs the drink.


raoulmaher profile image

GSDF what an excellent reply kindest Raoul

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