I am Flydoggy's wife and am posting out of concern for my hubby. He had his first Lutetium 177 treatment this morning and this evening is experiencing severe nausea. He can't even keep sips of water down and is dry heaving pretty steadily. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this reaction and if so, how long it lasted? This is nasty. Thanks in advance for any information or advice.
Extreme nausea after first Lutetium 1... - Advanced Prostate...
Extreme nausea after first Lutetium 177 treatment. Anyone else experience this?

Thad had a strong pain reaction. I think you should call your after hours clinical team tonight
Vomiting and retching occur in 20%, rarely (<1%) serious, but he may be having an abnormal reaction. Maybe benadryl can help until he can get a prescription.
The small intestine particular the jejunum and duodenum has PSMA positive cells. It is possible these cells could be affected by the radiation of the Lu 177 PSMA. Nausea and vomiting have been described associated with Lu 177 PSMA treatment. Some info from the FDA:
There are medicines which could be used to control the nausea, such as Zofran. You could contact the doctors and get any of these meds.
If he is dehydrating he may need IV fluids (I realize this is 8 hours after your post….hopefully it has resolved).

Important point. Thanks. It's difficult to keep this from happening when you are vomiting everything. I had this happen and got severely dehydrated.
His nausea was resolved with some gravy suppositories and a 5mg of Valium. Better living through chemistry! He is. Ow tired and has a bit of a headache but otherwise feeling ok. Fingers crossed that the treatment is effective. This is one of eight.
Get some lemon water, it helps ... at least works on my dad. Good luck!
Feeling better, things resolved after the first night. He is now just feeling a bit tired. Plus, that was supposed to read Gravol suppositories, not 'gravy suppositories'!!!