I just wanted to know has anyone done CBT before I'm going to have my first sessions soon if so
How did you find it ??
Was it any useful??
I just wanted to know has anyone done CBT before I'm going to have my first sessions soon if so
How did you find it ??
Was it any useful??
I had a brief experience of CBT years ago and it was brilliant although since I've found other kinds of therapy, mainly psychodynamic, useful as well but in a different way. CBT is great for breaking down problems into manageable bite sized pieces and then helping to structure tackling problems, it's task based and really can help change the way you think and feel as a result of changing the way you behave and finding different outcomes occur.
So, good luck!
I found it brilliant but did feel as though I was at school as he wrote everything up on a whiteboard.My most successful therapy was EMDR but I dont think it is available on the NHS
Hi again
I've just applied for a place on a CBT training course and would love to hear how you get on with your CBT sessions, whether you find them helpful and what you found difficult etc. I'm in another kind of therapy but have recently set myself CBT type of targets with positive results, so it can be done. Hope it works out for you.
Hi sue
Course I will let you know and same goes for you to hope all works for you
Anna xx