Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for May 2023

Panic Attacks while driving

In November 2021, On the day of my brothers funeral, I was involved in four car...

Please suggest tips overcome social anxiety... Anyone with similar stories?

I'm a very shy guy in his 30s. I'm literally scared of social situations, worrie...

Switching from Zoloft to Mirtazapine

Has anyone done this when zoloft isn't working? Does it work better?
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Anxiety from excersise

Has anyone felt more anxious during and after exercise? Being out of breath fro...

DPDR, death anxiety, feeling like i will die Soon

hey there :) i hope to find some Comfort Here.. im dealing with Bad panic attack...

Feels like I'm going to die today again

I apologize for being toxic here. I'm on a low streak that doesn't really seem t...

Intrusive questions here.

I was replying to a contributor regarding my use of Mirtazapine and became alarm...
secrets22 profile image

Psychiatrist help

I’ve suffered from chronic anxiety and debilitating fear since childhood ( I’m n...
Hidden profile image

Mirtazapine and appetite

I am on mirtazapine 30 mg now, I take it before sleep, otherwise I can't sleep.I...

my anxiety is consuming me

hi all. New to these type of groups but think sharing might help me. It’s a long...
Toula223 profile image

Tips on how to handle anxiety without meds.

I am going through a lot right now, I can typically get a hold of myself, and my...
Deena_2416 profile image

Venlafaxine lowest dose

how many days can we cope with these side effects….. severe nausea, headaches, ...

Does Anyone Else Wake in the Morning with FEAR?

I have had GAD most of my life. I've tried just about everything to help myself...
kama24 profile image

Fear, worry and anxiety

Fear, worry and anxiety have been issues in my life for many years. Each time I ...
Nmaezi profile image

So Thankful

Hello,I am so happy to have found all you wonderful people willing to share your...
Hidden profile image

At Last.

At last after waiting for over a year, they have decided to renew my PIP. I had ...

At wits end

Hi, I feel very anxious and depressed. Getting really horrible feelings. I’m on ...
Emma143 profile image

Feeling Unwell all the time..

I just feel really unwell all the time at the moment. I write out messages to pe...


I'm pleased to join. My child is having trouble sleeping. Just started counselin...

Anxiety hurting relationship

I’ve been suffering from anxiety and depression for the last 4 or 5 years. It s...
Alan7690 profile image

panic attacks

hello everyone. Any thoughts please on dealing with panic attacks? Also does ...
ks1966 profile image


Do you think you’re alone? These thousands on this app. I know you’re feeling do...
Curry223 profile image

just had a panic attack walking to the shop

I’m so upset that I’m back to square one with this it feels like I can’t take it...

anxiety symptoms

anyone else’s stomach get upset right before you have strong onset anxiety attac...
Kingchris profile image

I have extreme severe anxiety and I can't get the proper treatment or diagnose

I had extreme severe anxiety all my life and can't get the proper help at this p...

Mirtazapine or Quetiapine

Hi, so I take both of these drugs and I’ve noticed weight gain since taking them...
Ben1505 profile image

Anxiety about health and sleep

About 3 weeks ago I started to notice this dull pain in the left side of my ches...
tjr1228 profile image