Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for February 2018

Is this considered tunnel vision

Okay, so I've been stressed recently and I know that I am doing it to myself. I ...
Robby36 profile image

How do i stop crying

I always just want to cry. How can I control this
Trees2357 profile image

Feeling alone

I'm feeling alone nowhere to go, no one talks to me. I need someone.
Trees2357 profile image
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Cardio app

After nearly having anxiety for 3 years . I finally have s cardiologist app for ...
Ollie33 profile image

Lower back pain

Does anyone have lower back pain spasms from anxiety? I'm scared that it won't ...
Trees2357 profile image

Help My anxiety has caused me failure

I started suffering from anxiety/depression a few years ago. I really miss the d...
zaymohsan profile image

Anxiety symptoms or something. Else please can someone relate to me

Hi I’m new here 26 with 3 children I recently had a panic attack and have serve ...
Shariece profile image

Can someone please talk to me. I'm so alone with all this, Idk what to do

Everything is getting worse. Last night I went to bed crying to my husband about...
Elizabeth04 profile image

Aniexty vision problems

Has anyone with health aniexty have vision problems like seeing flickering under...
Marisol91 profile image

Just wondering

Do any of the women on here notice that their anxiety is worse during their mens...
Agood1 profile image


I am literally such an idiot my boiler has been on since 9am yesterday morning n...
Rik1233 profile image

Went to my GI today

Well everyone,I went to the GI doctor today. He looked at the blisters on the ba...

Fighting through it

My anxiety trigger/ fear is having a heart attack. I’m 36 over all healthy besid...
Aliciar profile image

Back Pain

I have terrible lower back spasms and pain in hips and ribs. It has gotten worse...
Trees2357 profile image

Crushing / squeezing in chest/ heart

So i have wrote about something similar before. I have already been to a gp and...

Health issues

I checked my blood pressure this morning and it was a little high and my heart w...
Trees2357 profile image

Help, I'm freaking out

Okay so a month ago my dad died from a sudden heart attack. I went to the doctor...
grudgekyoko profile image

Panic Attacks and GERD

I have anxiety and panic attacks. As well as depression. I stress too much over ...
Kingkingkris profile image

Take a break guys

Just an update I am back on here after my break I will not be active as much as ...
kevoreally profile image

Anxiety = No Sleep

I almost called 911 because I was convinced I was having a heart attack, however...
Hidden profile image

Palpitations are lasting me hours...

I mainly notice that I have palpitations in the evening, when I'm lying in bed a...

Free yourself from Anxiety

Anxiety is not something you can get rid of forcefully, avoid, control or try to...
Beevee profile image

How was diazepam 2mg for you?

Evening everyone. I was given diazepam 2mg today to try as my anxiety is at a al...
Lovisa profile image

Severe health anxiety

Hi, I'm new to this. 27year old female. 5 year history of health anxiety, consta...

struggling with life

My name is Emma i'm 17 from London I live with my mum dad bro & sis I need some ...
Emmamaya profile image

Anxiety back with a bang

Hi everyone ,suddenly you are feeling less anxious, fuzzy and everything and the...
Binkynoo profile image

6 days on Fluoxetine for anxiety

Hello, I have been taking fluoxetine for my anxiety for 6 days now just taken my...
Jade9516 profile image

Anxiety Phobia

I have a phobia of the anxiety that's why it keeps going on and won't get better...
Trees2357 profile image

I'm getting depressed

I feel so alone. My husband barely talks to me. I feel abandoned.
Trees2357 profile image

I need advice I need advice

Decision making makes me so terribly ill. Would it be best to avoid these situat...
Ladygrey profile image