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Anxiety Support

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All posts for August 2012


Hi Everyone, Just thought I'd introduce myself as im new on here. I have been ...

Was wondering

Just wondering how many people know exactly now what actually sets their panic a...
Untitled profile image

weird feeling again what is happening

where do i start i get a feeling i cant really explain its like i have somethink...
natty1982 profile image
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Will i ever be free from anxiety

I have suffered from anxiety for five years after a stay in hospital. At first ...
Emelrose profile image

The nature of the beast

What gets me about this whole anxiety issue is the intermittent nature of anxiet...
Paw52 profile image

Money and anxiety

HI Everyone. I'm having a bit of a rubbish day today so thought I would ask if a...
Mandy26 profile image

Our Behavior is Driven by our Sub-conscious Mind

We do certain things out of conscious mind, whereas most of our actions are depe...
Untitled profile image


Has anyone on here ever went to hospital or ER for panic attack because of sympt...
Hidden profile image

what can i do when i have a panic attack at work and i often feel like i cant breathe and i get worried about this occurring again?

Help! :(

Hi everyone. I just need someone's advice.. I haven't formally been diagnosed as...
lauratx profile image

really bad 3 days going out of my mind

hi everybody out there. Ive been suffering from cronic anxiety for over 30 ye...
Hidden profile image

Please help!!!

Hi about 3 weeks ago i began with mild depression and anxiety whilst on holiday ...
donna42 profile image

hi has anyone been on Divalproex Sodium to help stable mood , and if so did/does it help and how long does it take

lincsfem profile image

Would you like to speak to the press about your anxiety?

Anxiety UK is the nation's leading anxiety disorders charity. As such, we receiv...
Yankee_Doodle profile image

needing some advice please

Hello peeps, Im so fed up again ive got constant symptoms all day long,lighth...
clairep profile image

is there anything i can do to stop panic attacks i seem to get them when im stressed or they creep up on me

debbie38 profile image


I have been so fed up today I'm on week 4 of Cymbalta and the main side effect i...
Meadow profile image

Numbness in my face..........

Hi, Does anyone else get numbness in their face, I have been suffering with this...
jeaniemc profile image

Chest pains

Hi I have suffered with anxiety for years. it used to be when i had a girlie ...
jaynehale36 profile image

What else is there left to do?

I am 24 and have been dianosed with Social Anxiety about 4 months ago. I didnt h...
Klick1988 profile image

Best wishes to you all

After asking someone to be mindful of everyones differing needs from this site I...
Hidden profile image

does any one feel like they are in their own world

hi guys does anyone get a feeling like they are in their own world most of the ...
gasman profile image

anxiety side effects (?)

my anxiety got bad again on Saturday and come Saturday night i was feeling unwel...
Rels profile image

had nearly 2 weeks of minimal anxiety and now its back worse than ever

Hi, Well where to start...... i have had some really good days between the 10t...
Rels profile image

dont feel my self today at all

not sure if its the prozac or not,feel very on edge and cant relax.feel very irr...
Gordon1966 profile image

Can anyone confirm that I am not going crazy?

I'm looking for some advice. Dont really know where to start. The last three y...
lele profile image

Doc suggests no pills, but (non-existent) therapy

And I'm SO exhausted. I knew pills weren't right for me and once I'd been throug...

need some reassurance please

im feeling absolutely awful,ive got bad acid indigestion pains im really dizzy a...
clairep profile image

Feeling utter despair and lonely and not sure what to do next

Im startin from the beginning so it might be a long one. I met my partner jan 0...
fierysun profile image

have i gone crazy?

i'm almost 20, and lately i feel like i've convinced myself that i may not be re...
moineau profile image