How well do you feel your condition h... - National Foundati...
How well do you feel your condition has been managed after the transplant surgery?
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I feel that for the most part the staff that take care of post transplant paitents dont have a good gage on how the side effects can manifest when putting that many drugs into ones body twice a day.
If anyone else feels the same I would love to hear you story. The best solution so far has been take as little pharmacuticals as possible and treat remaining side effects with cannabis, and in particular RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) so that you can get a large dose of cannabinoids without ingesting much or smoking/vaping. I would choose vaping later as a managmemt dose and use RSO for breakthrough sympton relief.
I was given a liver that was not perfused correctly (4 yrs ago). I was kicked to the curb to die.
A complete 180° change post transplant. Within two weeks I walked a mile w no assistance and no O2. Many many thanks to the entire transplant team for making a double lung transplant my true Rebirth in life. Cle Clinic is a wonderful facility.