Are you happy with the way people with To... - Tourettes Action
Are you happy with the way people with Tourette Syndrome are being represented on TV?
Please select one:
4 Replies
Tourettes is so miss understood. Trying to explain how my son can surpress his tics, then he has an urge to tic and has too do it, sounds contradictory. Also on TV it is the coprolalia they portray. My son does not swear as do most other tourettes sufferers. Coprolalia only affects 5℅ with Tourettes.
The question is phrased wrongly. It isn't possible to say if you agree or disagree.
SeonaidTourettes Action
OK, I appreciate your point, not the best worded question. I guess other people have been answering agree (they are happy with the way people are being represented) or not. Thanks for your feedback