Which group impacts most positively on a ... - Tourettes Action
Which group impacts most positively on a life with Tourette's?
having the support of your family and freinds
having had serious tics and also a sever case of ADHD (amongst other things) for over fifty years, I have rarely had many people who have had a positive impact on my TS etc
However, I was in the dark, bad old days of yesteryear and although my gamily have never been supportive and only in recent years colleagues who are now more aware of it are supposrtive, fruiends have mostly ignored it as if it didn't exist which is good but I have voed for my GP - all of them - as have moved around a lot over the last twenty years and I also include the locums too and also my nephew who is a GP and who has helped a lot
Years ago, though, GPs would have been at the bottom of my list

Has to be other real life people with TS at whatever stage for me. I think the worst is/are groups and "employee's" that do it for a job by working for a charity etc and just "feel our pain"!!!
School and family have been totally crap re my TS. Work were no better, though much improved over the laast decade so it's all down to my little old TS friends
Little do they know it they help me a lot and I love them all dearly...........even Garry.......,,,,,, sometimes