If someone could give you a magic pill to... - Tourettes Action
If someone could give you a magic pill to cure your TS, would you take it?
Yes I would take a tablet to cure it. What's worse than having TS is your own child having TS too! I would give my son a tablet too. TS must be the only disability where people laugh and make fun to your face so why anyone would not want to take a tablet is beyond me!
i would not take a pill to get rid of tourettes because it was caused by the people who make the pills the pharmaceutical industry. just like autism and polio aid hepatitis and other diseases. go to you tube and check out agenda21 and also check out vaccines as its now being proved that vaccines are damaging people;s bodies. they went to africa and said we will help those people and gave them vaccines and made them impotent and also gave them aids and hepatitis. you will have to do some home work and find out for yourself how corrupt the pharmaceutical comapanies are. they are owned by zionist jews. dont take it from me. check it out. the internet is a fantastic source of information and there are lots of whistle blowers now who are tellilng the truth about this terribel world we are living in.
Or rather my son would for his TS. I think I may have answered this before but couldn't see any other replies other than taffy's. Sorry if ive messed up any stats!
Blessed relief!
Yes I would. DIE TOURETTES DIE!!! Its such an embarrassing, misunderstood condition. People don't go up to people in wheelchairs and laugh in their faces do they? People think Tourettes is 'a laugh'. They should try having it for a week and then say that.
I think my TS has made me a stronger person, sometimes I wonder if I'd be the same person without my TS, pills to make it more manageable yes, but I wouldn't want to loose the creativity or spontonaity that I have. It's a matter of trying to channel the negativity to create something positive.
its a tricky question. for me, when I started taking my first set of meds, and the tics stopped for a while I missed them. But now they have stopped working the tics get on my nerves soooooooo much. But I think the tics are part of who you are. I find I am able to have a laugh about them with my mates and I think its improtant to be able to laugh at yourself. As far as a magic pill, I dont think I do want one. Maybe somethin to calm the tics down but not take them away all together.

My problem is not so much the visable, but the comorbidities and mental tics that most don't see, and on a good few days I feel like swapping them around! Sometimes I'd love to shout it all out.
I have been asked this question a lot and I always give the same answer; yes, I wouild bite their hands off if there was some medication without any serious side-effects that would 'cure' me of my tics
But, as there isn't and there won't be in my lifetime anyway, I rarely ever think about it
I said maybe because what If it only work for a few hours or even minutes then I would be relying on it which isn't bad at all! Although I take medication any way for my TS, just think what if this magic pill/tablet became immune to our bodies, then what would we all do??
I just think i it works probably and stops TS 4ever then great, wonderful and brill! I would say to anyone with TS, just stay strong, keep your chin high and the who people are supporting you 24/7 well nearly like family and friends, they will always have your back.
Tourettes is apart of you, it is apart of me.
Tourettes is an everyday challenge.
Will it is ever go away, who know?
Tourettes is a illness that makes you even stronger NO matter who you are.
Tourettes is apart of you, it is apart of me.
Who knows, if it will ever disappear, just wait for another day!
no i certainly wouldn,t. i love my tourettes.easiest condition by far i have to live with. i,m a 51yr old ticcer till i die, no cure for funky nig.hopefully.
I would give my 9 year old daughter the tablet as it breaks my heart to see my daughter with ts