Have you attended a self help group for IBS? - IBS Network

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Have you attended a self help group for IBS?

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4 Replies
annekeith profile image

no i hvent because i wudent be able to get to 1

mrsbird2011 profile image

didn't know they existed so no

whiteladder42 profile image

I tried one last year-a 5 week CBT course. I had waited nearly a year to get onto the course but when I went it was all very basic stuff. Perhaps useful if you are newly diagnosed but I knew more about IBS than the psychologist did having been researching it almost daily for several years. It was advice like drink enough water each day, get a good sleep pattern going, use mindfulness techniques to help you through the pain. When I asked how you can use mindfulness techniques whilst semi-conscious (or even unconscious-for me that is what pain does to me) she didn't really have an answer to that!

trishyb59 profile image

didn't know about them, but would be unable to attend due to ibs-d