causes of post menoposal bleed. no info given. lik... - Tenovus


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causes of post menoposal bleed. no info given. like to know please.

16 Replies
16 Replies
Jo_O profile image

We suggest that anyone who is experiencing post menopausal bleeding should visit their GP to investigate the cause. There is more information about the possible causes on this website:


Jo_O profile image

Also, if you would like any more information on this please call our Freephone Cancer Support Line on 0808 808 1010.

in reply to Jo_O

Thanks for reply. Sorry not used to laptop etc., At ultrasound 16th Jan reluctantly told no inflammation showing, to tell gp if further bleed. Surgery said ok if anything need attention gp would have contacted me. Anyway asked for appointment , on Mon. morning. Had smallish red bleed 1-2 days a week last Friday with period type pain. had bad low down ache several times. Not worried yet just little concerned.. Did ring no given, suggested ask for blood test. So hope gp doesnt think im a worrier again. When he said I was previously, I said wasnt. Then ventured to send note saying , medical folk often say that when they dont feel like finding answer, or recomend antidepresants. That tells you how fed up in a way I was of being told, Hips, I.B.S., urinary infection, a bit low one said. Told next gp, I wasnt low, asked how can you feel full of joys of spring, when very uncomfotable with low abd pain. (nicely as poss) Days later I had The first 3 day red bleed etc. Roll on Monday....hope I dont get some flippant answer, not much I can do if I do. Do not exspect much wrong at moment. Up late as can have lie in, not due to help on till charity shop until 1pm. Wasnt sure how to get back to you.....the e mail helped greatly. Shut eye time now, night.x

Thanks for info. Going for ultrasound scan 16th Jan, to have full bladder. No further loss just dull ache. Last year the abd pain was terrific at times. dr. gave me tratment for IBS... didnt say it was, I gathered it from medication even though it didnt seem like IBS.. Will see what scan says... if Im told. Then will contact support line if need further info. Appreciate your help.

Jo_O profile image

Hi, as a general rule we recommend that if symptoms continue you should ask to be referred to a specialist to investigate further. Without knowing more of your medical history, it is difficult for us to be able to give you any clear answers.

If you have any specific questions after you've had your appointment on Monday, call us on our Freephone Cancer Support Line, which is open between 8am-8pm 7 days a week – 0808 808 1010


in reply to Jo_O

Spotting bright red again also abd pain which am told is reflux or IBS or hips or urunary, no comment on bleed.

in reply to Jo_O

Hi Jo-O, gp was happy with ultrascan. Told him of blood loss and spotting and period type pain. gp then changed and said for me to be fast tracted for hospital appointment. so its a case of wait and see... Feel better now I have more info hadnt a clue before.

Jo_O profile image

Hi thanks for your message!Great that you have a hospital appointment, let us know how it goes and if you have any questions in the mean time you can speak to us on our Freephone Cancer Support Line - 0808 808 1010.

in reply to Jo_O

Happy to wait for appointment providing it doesnt take over 7mth like failed colonoscopy did. Thank for phone number will ring if further probs.

in reply to Jo_O

admitted then sent home as anaethetist wants me to have heart Dopler test so being fast tract for that now. no blood tests done at all. they knew I was on heart medication so I am not feeling at all pleased.

Hi, internal ultrasound ok. To have uterine biopsy in few weeks to exclude cancer, under short general anaesthetic. treatment first to help make cervix easier for doctor. think 4 weeks or so. Seems a lot of fuss if all is well.

Jo_O profile image

Hi it is good news that you are having your symptoms checked out as it will help to put your mind at rest. Let us know how it all goes, Jo

in reply to Jo_O

Hello again, After gleaning loads of info I am convinced all will be well. On 9th March Anaethetist wouldnt do General untill I saw cardiologist, that is Friday 23rd. (Angina causes some trouble at times)Then suppose biopsy will be arranged. I think I just need low dose oestrogen from what I have read. Think it wll be within a month for biopsy if cardiac give go ahead. unstable angina strikes anytime.. I take it as it comes mild or severe. Why worry.

All being well will have biopsy 9th April. Hope I am as relaxed this time....different doctor.

Hi, Put on oestrogen pessaries for few weeks, examined again, dr said atrophy to continue pessaries twice weekly. No need for biopsy. Some uterine discomfort , no further bleed, uterine wall thin. So all ok. Thanks for advice and information. Have abdominal may be dietary trouble but can tell which is which now , so thats helpful.

Just to say thanks for reassurance given. All going well still on pessaries as dr not said anything. Other bowel 2 year pains eventually eased when went milk and lactose more tablets which obviously didnt help, apart from protem pump a little.. Coeliac uk gave best advice.

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