How much do you say to your friends about your eatin... - SWEDA


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How much do you say to your friends about your eating disorder?

2 Replies
2 Replies
ScottishRose profile image

I have told very few people about my ED. Those that I have told walked away and I lost them as a friend. For me it is better that no one knows. That way I cannot get hurt again.

MC1905 profile image

I have one friend who I confine in all the time, she's a massive help when I just need someone to listen to and if I have a bad food day she's the first person I'll call. Since coming to university, I live with a girl who also has an ED and we talk to each other a lot about it and try to encourage each other to get better, I have also made another friend who I told about my ED recently and he is a massive help. I don't share it with a lot of people but to have a few close friends know is really helpful, there are some people though I would never tell just because I don't think they would understand so it's easier they don't know.