How old were you when you had your he... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...

Sudden Cardiac Arrest & Heart Attack

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How old were you when you had your heart attack?

SimoneHU profile imageSimoneHUHealthUnlocked47 Voters

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11 Replies
Lynnielou profile image

I've had two heart attacks one at 50 and one at 52 ,I have coronary artery disease and 4 cardiac stent s

Not-yet_53-10 profile image

Had first DIAGNOSED heart attack at 62, but believe I was having small attacks since age 57.

Knotty profile image
Knotty in reply to Not-yet_53-10

Was 67 when received DIAGNOSIS of heart attack but do not believe it was accurate. Diagnosis was based on one blood test and not accurately recording my reported symptoms.

Prescribed medication seems to have been based on the diagnosis which was not supported by subsequent angiogram, echo and bubble tests, X-ray, etc. The blood test was never repeated and second consultant volunteered the view that it could have been caused by an infection (and I didn't mishear "infarction").

GerPiet profile image

I was 52. Required double bypass and some other work

craigscave profile image

I had one at 56, had a stint put in unblock and artery and sometime I think I can feel it, is that normal?

Not-yet_53-10 profile image
Not-yet_53-10 in reply to craigscave

Sometimes it seems that I feel mine too. Thought it was only me. Must be some sort of movement when the blood goes thru the stent.

Joeicd profile image

I have an icd implant at heart I also have small leakage from heart valve due to virus which attacked heart and enlarged it and doesn't allow valve to close properly, in recovery I'm hoping things will improve my blood pressure is low because of this,anyone with similar problems?

peter270 profile image

i had my 1st at 23 n my 2nd at 30,ive had 8 further heart attacks since,i had two cabgs in 92 n 2007 which have failed except the lima,,ive no native arteries,i have 2 stents n 10 pacemakers,,im now 56

eastridingbigden profile image

had my heart attack at 72 but I believe I had one in my early 50s doctor THEN did not believe in sending patients to the butchers when asked to see a consultant at a hospital put me on frusemide my life may have been different if he had sent me to see a cardiac surgeon but in them days thought doctors was god, not anymore. Found out years later that he was saving money bit like today, again a Tory government was in power, you know what the saying GOES he who pays the piper calls the tune remember that every time you go to the doctors

scanna profile image

I was 62 and had a stent put in. 2 months later another heart attack and a diagnosis of heart failure. It has been 4 years and I am doing fairly well.

skybluepink profile image

I believe the system could have far more supportive before and after the MI at 58 due mainly to Thatchers Policies & Cuts NB had been at 50 medically/physically targeted into unwanted early retirement causing severe emotional trauma when disability spina bifida occulta had been found i.e. chronic utis acute 3 weekly , incontinence & retention.

Weekly GP visits re classic heart symptoms Now diuretics after deliberate rotation as on a boundary ??!! Instead pursued help aspect via DLA to acknowledge problems still have heart failure symptoms .Had 8 giving & taking away .My MA Modern Arts & Music concerned this & identity. Sudenly my bay had a Number which was not transferred 3 yrs ago causing me to move again this year as housebound without mobility scooters & WAV vehicle .

The LA Barnet did give a Blue Badge then Islington [ home] proceeded to cause parking problems by making disabled share bays in residents parking .On day of cardiac just taken off 48hr monitor from Bowel hospital [ Northwick Park] and was allowed to get lost on motorways knowing had shown up problems as watched behaviour & no Dr monitoring .

I am still trying to address Safety Issues regarding GPs & Nurses not wanting risk so conflict of interest, A&ES not testing & closing down even main one 40 min away .The non medically qualified taking over Nurses dipsticks for utis ing as in my case Tests can show ok when not as on a lot of preventative medication.

The system need to be taken back so no Call centre just decent responsible Trading Standards & Managers & Specialists who see you in then out as being severely maladministrated.