Negative or positive my anxiety is up the roof I don’t want to say it’s positive just in case it’s negative
I’m I pregnant or not : Negative or... - Pregnancy and Par...
I’m I pregnant or not

I can see a very faint line. How long did you wait before you checked the test? If you waited a long time snd then went back to it this could be an evaporation line giving a potentially false positive.
I don’t know how many days late your period is but maybe try either a digital test or an early response pink dye. Always use first morning urine. Good luck x
I’ve not missed my period yet as I’ve got all the Side effects it’s just me with anxiety I wanna get it over and done with so I know and It come up with one line at first not two and that’s because I did not wait ten minutes with the top one I don’t get why the how meany week I I’m said that
If you haven’t missed your period yet the hormone level will be low which is why you’re getting a faint result and not pregnant on the digital test. If you are pregnant your hormone level should double every day resulting in a stronger more definitive positive result. If you’re testing so early the pink dye early response test would be more suitable or alternatively wait until you have a missed/delayed period which is the best indicator of pregnancy. Unfortunately it is a bit of a waiting game!!
Yes and thank you x
The best tests to use are from Amazon for early results. Showed up with me 10 days early. Looks like a faint positive though. Wait to use the digital the day of your missed period. Hope this helps!
Most likely you are, but your hcg levels are low and will rise in the next coming weeks.
I was like this when i did my blood test it says negative HCG was 0. I had my periods even but i was feeling same syptoms. After finish your periods go for blood test
It's too early to test with those tests, wait until your period is late then test again
Looks positive to me but these tests are very bad for getting evaporation lines! Wait a few more days and test again, also use tests where the lines are Red/Pink☺️ Good luck! I usually get the cheap tests from pound shops, home bargains for example or the first response tests are more sensitive and also pink dye xx