My 4 week old baby was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and fitted with a Pavlik harness last week at 3 weeks old. My daughter has to wear it 24hrs a day. I am struggling with finding a comfortable breastfeeding position. I also find it awkward holding hers she is so big and bulky. Can anyone offer any advice please? Also, I know marks and spencer sell a limited (6 or so pieces) hip dysplasia range of clothing but is it worth investing? The sleepsuits we are happy putting her in the next size up but what about actual clothes? I have so many beautiful tops that I'd love to put her in but can't find any leggings or trousers to buy to go with them. I would hate to waste all those lovely outfits that she has been given/were worn by my eldest daughter. Anyone know of an (online) shop that sells such a thing?
Thanks for your advice 😊