Basically, I'm getting a little worried. I'm 22+3 with my first. I've noticed today that he has been kicking and generally fidgeting a little more than usual and this evening I've been feeling pressure at what feels like the top of my cervix. After googling symptoms, the phrase incompetent cervix has come up on almost every page and the outlook of this condition looks bleak. I'm terrified of losing my son as I already have such a strong bond with him. Have any of you ladies experienced uncomfortable pressure so early on? And what happened if you don't mind my asking?
Feeling anxious. : Basically, I'm... - Pregnancy and Par...
Feeling anxious.
Congratulations on the pregnancy, babies move alot so be reassured that is a very active baby you have in there. IM 25 weeks and my baby moves constantly, some days hardly at all. I wouldn't use goggle personally, your get worked up over whats possibly nothing. By now your baby will have moved up a bit and forward so it could be sat oddly or squashing your bladder ect. It could be pressure from your pelvis, ir signs of spd ( where the pelvis comes out of line and aches ) your worried so speak to your midwife, that's usually the beat course of action and wil reassure you X
it's absolutely normal to feel your baby moving around more frequently now, as your baby starts to gain some weight you may start to feel pressure around the top of your bump area as the space your Lil one is in starts to become smaller.
i dont think you've got much to worry about at the moment but if you feeling really worried about it you could maybe give your community midwife a call.
Hi, I had a lot of pressure through out most of my pregnancy with my 2nd, At my 20wk scan baby was low and was told my baby was low hence the pressure feeling, I also has to have a growth scan at 34 Wks and was told baby is now very low in my pelvis, (I think this is why I had spd) and as for the moments any you feel are good and I am sure your midwife will not worry about increase in movements they will worry about a decrease. You know when and how your baby moves so if you are worried talk to a midwife I am glad I did I had a 2 wk period where my baby was not moving as they had been through out my pregnancy and it kept having trips to hospital after the 5th time of being moniterd I was induced 11 days early and now have a healthy baby girl. Only You know what's "normal" for you and your baby. Good luck x