Have you suffered from 'morning' sick... - Pregnancy and Par...
Have you suffered from 'morning' sickness during pregnancy?
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I stiil have it and I'm 20 weeks pregnant!
I'm only around 6 weeks but no sickness yet
None at all! Now 22 weeks, all fine with baby
None at all! Now 24 weeks, all fine with baby
I'm 23weeks and my morning sickness was very mild.. Occasionally wud throw up a lil in my mouth but most of the time I wud jst feel sick for ages
I'm now 15weeks pregnant. I still have nausea but it is manageable. From 5 weeks to 13 weeks I had severe nausea all day everyday with sporadic bouts of vomiting. I had to force myself to drink water as even that was difficult to get down some days. I'm glad that has eased!! I lost half a stone in those weeks but am now starting to gain it again.
No morning sickness but get few pains in lower belly when I'm led in bed at night
I was still throwing up with every contraction
Started to be actually sick week 12, now 17 weeks and still bent sick everyday yuk!
started at week 7 and was still being sick in week 16. On worst days was sick 2-3 times a day, luckily the memory fades over time!
24 weeks and still sick almost every day
Continuously nauseous but only actually sick once. It's no fun though!
Since week 5 I've has nausea and sickness. Im 12 weeks today, have previously Vomited blood, trying acupuncture, on my third lot of medication. On Tuesday I was sick 20 times! Please please let this end!!
I am so lucky, 17 weeks and no sickness at all!
None at all this pregnancy, but I was sick in my previous pregnancy though which totally proves every pregnancy is different x
All the time, I get days when I'm not sick but feel it, and then days where im sick seven or eight times in a day!! I hit 12 weeks tomorrow and so hoping its going to ease off a bit so I can go back to work!
I had it really bad, to the point where I was hospitalised with dehydration, at around 6-7 weeks then it was on and off until about 20 weeks then nothing until this last week or so (36 weeks) and now is a mixture of morning sickness brought on by indigestion. Not sure which is worse!
20 weeks and still being sick. sickness startd at 6 weeks. spent 4 weeks in hospital from 8 weeks as i was being sick upto 60 times a day. not even a drop of water would touch my mouth without hurling in to a bowl. i was on a drip and now taking steroids to settle sickness. or was they have taken me off them and my hyperemesis has returned
This is my first baby and I haven’t had any problems All I have suffered with is tiredness in the first 12 weeks and emotional at everything but once past that stage I have been fine, which sometimes makes me think am I pregnant?? But I have had scans and heard heart beat so definitely am
just very lucky xx