who is the person you could not be wi... - Pregnancy and Par...

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who is the person you could not be without at your labour?

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4 Replies
MrsBunsen profile image

I selected partner as he's the one who keeps me sane, but the student midwife who was with me for the last couple of hours of labour and the few hours afterwards was AMAZING and I wouldn't have got through it without her.

Againagain profile image

Your partner would be supporting you and participating in the birth of his / her child. I really don't think that can be described as a 'waste of space'. My husband had as much to do with making the baby as I did and he was the only person who was there constantly throughout my labour. The midwife came and went and my husband was there the whole time. I had a relatively normal labour, so didn't need a midwife there all the time and certainly not an obstetrician or an anaesthetist. All I needed was my husband to lean against and to feed me bits of satsuma!

Marleymoo profile image

Would love my boyfriend to be there but really want my sister in law there to as we r best friends which has now upset my mum but that's wot I want am I wrong in having Who i want there!

mummysboys profile image

Youre not wrong just make sure your sis in law knows your birth plan and your decisions so she can support you she'll be your second pair of ears and your rock!