Will you find out the sex of your bab... - Pregnancy and Par...
Will you find out the sex of your baby before the birth?
being my first everyone is saying, don't ruin the surprise but its not them who is making my mind up. I know there are pros and cons to finding out or not, i.e preparation. I want to on one hand as I am sooo impatient, but now I am leaning towards not finding out, but for a first I just think as long as the munchkin is healthy then it doesn't really matter, if I go on to have more children then I can find out the sex but I think a first child is special...decisions decisions

I am so with you, I cannot decide...I had the opportunity to find out last week as I had a scan at 15 weeks and I just said....ooohhhh I don't know, I wasn't expecting to be given the choice this early. 20wk scan booked so better decide for sure??
Your little one might make up your mind for you LOL. My daughter covered herself whenever I had a scan whereas my brother literally paraded his bits about. You didn't even need the sonographer to tell you it was a boy!


I can't wait to find out the suspense would drive me crackers. I'd also like to ensure I'm prepared. Can't afford not to be these days
The husband didn't want to find out and I did, I gave in for a quiet life so we haven't found out and will wait until July, but as with ceribean, as long as junior is healthy that's all that really matters.
I've never found out with all 4 of mine and I have to say the look on hubby's face each time has been worth it!
Each to their own and I can understand why people want to know, but for me personally there are so few surprises left in this world and this has to be the most magical!
You have just made my mind up with your comment, I was umming and arrring whether to find out with my 3rd (2 boys already) but I love a suprise. Really would love a little girl but when edd arrives I dont think I will care what sexs the baby is as long as they are healthy.
I am going to find out, as I am having twins and want to be really prepared for their arrival. I figured in the beginning my time will be taken up establishing a routine with them both plus I have a friend that is making a load of baby cardigans etc and it would be nice to have the proper colours xxx
I have one of each already found out both times. This time we decided not too we want a surprise. Can't wait to find out 9weeks CPU t down fingers x'd x
I can’t wait to find out what sex my little bean is first time mum and very impatient, I also want to get started on my nursery.......................Just so excited !!!! xxxxx
I had my 20 wk and didn't find out and am very happy about the decision! X
I know I will ask but part of me wants a surprise so I'm hoping u won't be able to see!
I wanted to know at first but when I told my family they all said "your going to keep it a suprise aren't you.?" So didn't find out in the end, I kind of wish I did as I am finding it hard to find nice unisex newborn clothes, however overall I am pleased I do not know as to me it really doesn't matter!