Have you recovered from PNI? If yes, how long d... - PNI ORG UK


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Have you recovered from PNI? If yes, how long did it take to recover?

PNI-Admin profile imagePNI-AdminPartnerVolunteerPNI ORG UK13 Voters

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4 Replies
PNI-Admin profile image
PNI-AdminPartnerVolunteerPNI ORG UK

Thanks for the great poll suggestion 0132Sarah

:) xxx

0132sarah profile image

I felt this question would help all those that are fighting through PNI to see they are not alone, yes it takes time. But time is the best healer. It's hard for women to keep battling, but we do for our families. We are not quitters!! ;) x

CTC0810 profile image

I'm so relieved to see this...still struggling I thought PND was only diagnosed up to 12 months

Sainaa profile image

I’m still suffering. It has been for 7 months. It started 5 days later after delivered my baby and it sucks 😩